NCC to upgrade “Million Programme” housing in Fittja

NCC will renovate “Million Programme” housing in Fittja, a suburb south of
Stockholm, in cooperation with Botkyrkabyggen. The area will be upgraded based
on the residents’ need for an attractive and safe living environment. Valued at
approximately SEK 1 billion, the framework agreement will extend over a six to
eight-year period.
Sweden’s public utility housing stock is currently facing a major refurbishment
challenge with thousands of apartments in need of upgrading throughout the
country. NCC’s strategic framework agreement with Botkyrkabyggen includes
refurbishing an area comprising 1,300 housing units in Fittja in the
municipality of Botkyrka.

A key issue in connection with the refurbishments is to weigh the measures
against the impact on rent for those already living in the area.

“NCC subscribes to a concept called Sustainable
refurbishment (
This means that we use civic participation to create socially and
environmentally sustainable residential environments while taking considerable
consideration to the financial parameters for those living in the area,” says
Henrik Landelius, Head of NCC Building Sweden.

For Fittja, it is a question of redeveloping the entire residential area and not
just refurbishing the buildings.

“We intend to preserve and reshape what was good when the area was built. For
instance, it is better for the environment and the wallet if we preserve good
material and renovate kitchens. We will also make the spaces between the
building more attractive and safer,” says Henrik Landelius.

The cooperation with Botkyrkabyggen will take the form of what is known as
strategic partnering (, a
long-term cooperative format, where the participating companies carry out an
assignment in close cooperation with the best of the project always in mind.

“Being able to take experiences from one project and use them in the next one,
with the same contractor and sometimes even the exact same employees, is
invaluable. We will increase capacity and gain potential for increased
efficiency,” says Ulf Nykvist, CEO of AB Botkyrkabyggen.

For NCC, the agreement with Botkyrkabyggen is strategically important since NCC
has a pronounced ambition to expand in refurbishment of the “Million Programme”.
The first assignment for Botkyrkabyggen involves renovating two residential
buildings, with an order value of approximately SEK 100 million, to be
registered among orders during the fourth quarter in NCC Building.
For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Elmgren, Business Manager, NCC Construction Sweden; + 46 72 550 07 40

Ulf Nyqvist, CEO, Botkyrkabyggen +46 8 530 693 00

Anna Trane, Head of Corporate Media Relations, NCC +46 708 84 74 69

NCC’s media line +46 8 585 519 00, E-mail:, NCC’s image
bank (
This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant
to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on May
19, at 07.30 a.m. (CET).

About NCC. Our vision is to renew our industry and provide superior sustainable
solutions. NCC is one of the leading construction, property development and
infrastructure companies in Northern Europe, with sales of SEK 62 billion and
18,000 employees in 2015. The NCC share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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