Former MHPA President & CEO, Thomas Johnson, Joins Gorman Health Group's Elite Team of Government Healthcare Experts

WASHINGTON, June 14, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gorman Health Group, LLC (GHG), the leading consulting firm and solutions provider in government healthcare programs, is proud to announce a new addition to the firm's team of government healthcare experts. Thomas Johnson, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Medicaid Health Plans of America (MHPA) for nearly a decade, joins GHG as Senior Advisor, bringing our clients 15 years of expertise in government health programs.

"I am thrilled Thomas is finally joining us," said John Gorman, Founder & Executive Chairman at GHG. "As a 15-year veteran, Thomas brings a strategic vision on healthcare organizational strategies and unparalleled insight into Medicaid operations. He is also, honestly, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in the swamp of Washington, DC. Ours is a relationship and trust-based business, and Thomas is widely known, respected and trusted as a master of Medicaid, a rapidly-growing segment for the firm and the nation."
In this role, Thomas offers GHG clients strategic guidance on Medicaid, dual eligibles, Exchange, long-term care and healthcare financing generally. He models costs for healthcare delivery in the healthcare market and serves as expert witness on healthcare delivery and health reform. While at MHPA, Thomas represented the interests of the Medicaid health plan industry before Congress, the Executive Branch, and state governments. Prior to his tenure with MHPA, he served as Vice President of Compliance and External Affairs for DC Chartered Health Plan, a Medicaid health plan located in Washington, DC, and served as a member of the senior leadership team for TD&P Consulting, Inc., an applied health policy and litigation support firm providing research, regulatory and compliance advice, future medical cost valuation, and healthcare delivery cost analysis related to life care plans and long-term care.
"I have known John for most of my career in Medicaid managed care," said Thomas.  "It's a pleasure to work with him and within an organization that is committed to better care through optimized health plan execution. Gorman Health Group is the leading firm within government-sponsored health plans, and I am thrilled to be a part of the team."  
About Gorman Health Group | Gorman Health Group (GHG) is a leading consulting and software solutions firm specializing in government health programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Health Insurance Marketplace opportunities. Since 1996, our unparalleled teams of subject matter experts, former health plan executives, and seasoned healthcare regulators have been providing strategic, operational, financial, and clinical services to the industry across a full spectrum of business needs. Further, our software solutions have continued to place efficient and compliant operations within our client's reach. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter @gormanhealth.

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