The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the Board of Directors’ composition in Clas Ohlson

Before the Clas Ohlson AB Annual General Meeting on Saturday 10 September 2016,
the Nomination Committee today announces its proposal for the Board of
Directors’ composition.
The Board of Directors shall consist of eight members.

The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Klas Balkow,
Kenneth Bengtsson, Mathias Haid, Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, Cecilia Marlow, Göran
Näsholm and Göran Sundström. The Nomination Committee proposes that Ros-Marie
Grusén be elected as a new Board member. The Nomination Committee proposes that
Kenneth Bengtsson be re-elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Katarina Sjögren-Petrini has announced that after three years as a Member of the
Board, she will not be standing for re-election.

Ros-Marie Grusén, born 1971, is the CEO for Norsk Medisinaldepot
AS/VitusApotek/Ditt Apotek since June 2015. Ros-Marie Grusén has previously been
the CEO for Admenta Sweden AB/LloydsApotek, CEO for Plantagen Sverige AB and had
a number of positions within IKEA. She is a Member of the Board in Besqab AB and
in Granngården AB.

The Nomination Committee consists of:

  ·  Kenneth Bengtsson, Chairman of the Board of Clas Ohlson AB
  ·  Jonas Bergh (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), representative of the
Haid family
  ·  Göran Sundström, representative of the Tidstrand family
  ·  Erik Durhan, Nordea Investment Funds
  ·  Ricard Wennerklint, If Skadeförsäkring AB

The Nomination Committee’s work complies with the requirements as set forth in
the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. For more information of respective Board
member, please see
For more information please contact:
Jonas Bergh, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, phone +46 722 33 04 01
Clas Ohlson was founded in 1918 as a mail order business based in Insjön,
Sweden. Today, the company offers products and services for the small everyday
practical problems, in six countries via its over 200 stores and online. Clas
Ohlson offers a wide range of affordable products in five product areas:
Hardware, Electrical, Home, Multimedia and Leisure. The company is listed on
Nasdaq Stockholm, has sales of over 7.5 billion SEK and more than 4,700
employees. Visit Clas Ohlson at

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