Back to Health Center Promotes Treatments for Common Running Injuries

ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 10, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Back to Health Center, a full-service chiropractic and wellness center in Alexandria, VA, recently launched a campaign to raise awareness about the treatment services that they provide for common running injuries. Dr. Shara Posner and her team offer a complete array of services for sports injuries, and they include techniques that specifically help to heal injuries that are often sustained by runners.

Runners are susceptible to a number of painful injuries and conditions. Runner's knee causes pain and tenderness behind and around the kneecap. Plantar fasciitis affects the heels and occurs when the tissue along the bottom of the foot, gets torn, inflamed or irritated. Achilles tendinitis involves swelling and pain in the tissues that connect the lower leg muscles to the heel. Shin splints are also quite common and involve the inflammation of muscles and tissues that cover the shinbone.

Running-related injuries can simultaneously cause soft tissues near the affected area to contract and tighten in order to protect the underlying skeleton. These contractions often trigger misalignments of the spinal column and vertebral subluxations. Over time, the affected soft tissue can develop scar tissue, which impedes range of motion and often triggers a cycle that keeps runners off of their feet for months on end. Through specific chiropractic techniques, the team at Back to Health Center helps runners overcome these issues, allowing them to get back to the sport that they love more quickly.

"Running is an excellent form of exercise," said Dr. Posner. "Unfortunately, it can be pretty rough on the body. Even if the initial injury is treated, damage to the spine and vertebrae is often left behind and can make runners susceptible to re-injury and other issues," she added.

Dr. Posner and her team's chiropractic techniques for running injuries include the Graston Technique, which pinpoints areas of scar tissue through the use of specialized stainless steel instruments that are also used to gently smooth out and eliminate the tissue. Cold laser therapy, which involves aiming beams of light at affected areas, helps to reduce pain and inflammation. Back to Health Center also offers Kinesio Taping, in which specialized tape is applied to affected areas. It gently pulls skin away to create space between the muscle and the dermis, which alleviates pressure from the lymph channels. In turn, pain is reduced, and range of motion is improved.

Back to Health Center also offers acupuncture, massage therapy and physical medicine and rehabilitative services. "We work with runners to formulate treatment plans that address their injuries as well as misalignments and other related issues," said Dr. Posner. "Our personalized services ensure optimal results," she added.

The clinic is located in Alexandria, VA, at 900 Prince Street. Appointments may be made by calling (703) 683-7771. Additional information on their full range of chiropractic services can be found on their website at

