Hostway Delivers Hybrid Cloud Hosting Powered by Microsoft Azure

Public cloud, private cloud or a combination, Hostway enables companies to run apps and infrastructure optimally

CHICAGO, Sept. 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Organizations can now choose the best technology infrastructure to securely, effectively and cost-efficiently run their business with the launch of Hostway’s hybrid cloud service offering based on Microsoft Azure. Whether it’s public or private cloud or a combination, all hybrid cloud services are backed by Hostway’s proven managed support.


Hostway is a Microsoft Gold Partner and specialist in Microsoft virtualization with the expertise to design, build and run Azure-based hybrid solutions so organizations can focus less on IT infrastructure and more on growing and running a successful business.


“We’ve combined our years of experience in managed hosting and services with our extensive knowledge of and implementation of Microsoft’s virtualization and Azure-based cloud solutions to deliver this advanced public cloud service,” said Tony Savoy, senior vice president and general manager, managed hosting and cloud services, Hostway. “In a world where moving some or all assets to the cloud is both necessary and smart, we bring a unique level of knowledge, support and cost-efficiency that comes with our nearly two decades of hosting experience.”


The Hostway Hybrid Cloud combines the rapid scalability of the Microsoft Azure Public Cloud with the performance and security of the Hostway Virtual Private Cloud. Hybrid cloud use cases cover a wide range of potential implementations, such as the following examples.


- Bimodal IT: Capability to run apps where they run best whether that is public, private cloud or on-premises – backed with Hostway Managed Support for Azure


- Burst to Azure: Run predictable workloads either on-premises or the Hostway Virtual Private Cloud and handle burst loads on Microsoft Azure public cloud


- Dev & Test: Run development and testing in Microsoft Azure public cloud and in production on the Virtual Private Cloud


- Split Deployment: Run database in Virtual Private Cloud and web servers in Microsoft Azure public cloud to handle workload spikes


“This concept of targeting workloads to run on different infrastructure landing zones is consistent with our view that workloads have a best execution venue (BEV) – an infrastructure or ap­plication environment in which it is best suited to run,” said Liam Eagle, senior analyst with 451 Research. “That may be for reasons that include price, performance, functionality, security, latency, data sovereignty or other factors governing the right choice for running workloads.”


Associated with the hybrid cloud, Hostway provides managed services that include:


- Configuration and provisioning of the Hybrid Azure cloud accounts;


- Monitoring of resource utilization, as well as alerts when thresholds are met;


- Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting both Windows and Linux operating systems;


- Provisioning, installation, configuration and connection service, including load balancers, virtual networks, backup, storage, monitoring, DNS;


- Account management assistance;


- 24/7/365 phone and email support.


For additional information, go to


About Hostway Services, Inc.

Hostway Services, Inc. is a leader in managed cloud infrastructure and application hosting solutions for asset-lite, mid-market and e-commerce focused organizations and the companies that serve them. Its team of engineers in North America and Europe deliver reliable, secure and scalable private cloudmanaged server, and hybrid cloud hosting solutions to over 200,000 customers across six geographically diverse datacenters. Hostway’s core products include Managed Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Web Hosting and Email and Applications.

