Arthritis Society invests $4.82 million to further arthritis research in Canada

2016-17 research grants will fund 23 new projects

TORONTO, Sept. 20, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Arthritis Society today announced that its 2016-17 funding commitment for arthritis research will be $4.82 million, spanning 23 projects across Canada. This investment is aimed at furthering our understanding of arthritis and the ways it can be managed, in order to improve quality of life for the 4.6 million Canadians living in pain from the disease.

"We are thrilled with this year's selected recipients," says Kate Lee, Vice President of Research & Career Development at The Arthritis Society. "We continue to be impressed by the high calibre of research and innovation being conducted by the Canadians research community, and how this important work stands to benefit the lives of people with arthritis."

Highlights of the 2016-2017 awards include:

  • Dr. Lihi Eder, Toronto: Examining the linkage between psoriatic arthritis and heart disease, and ways to identify and assist high-risk patients
  • Dr. Glen Hazlewood, Calgary: Impacts of integrating the patient's voice into the process of treatment selection for rheumatoid arthritis
  • Jimmy Faivre, Montreal: Designing and testing synthetic fluids to work in load-bearing joints, such as the knees, of people with osteoarthritis

This year's $4.82 million investment represents nearly a 15% increase in The Arthritis Society's research commitment year-over-year, but even with that increase, more than a third of the scientifically meritorious submissions received could not be funded.

"Funding remains the largest single obstacle to delivering real, lasting solutions for people living with arthritis," explains Janet Yale, president and CEO of The Arthritis Society. "We are very grateful to our donors for their generosity in making these investments possible, and we hope that more join the cause, because we know that there's so much more work still to be done to help people whose lives are eroded by this devastating disease."

Canada is a world leader in quality arthritis research, but funding sources in this country are at an all-time low. This commitment is vital to sustaining the Canadian research landscape and ensuring that our best minds can continue to make lives better for people with arthritis, and ultimately find a cure.


The Arthritis Society has been setting lives in motion for over 65 years. Dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis, The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis. Since its founding in 1948, The Society has been the largest non-government funder of arthritis research in Canada, investing over $195 million in projects that have led to breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment and care of people with arthritis. The Arthritis Society is accredited under Imagine Canada's Standards Program. For more information and to make a donation, visit

For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Douglas Emerson
National communications manager
The Arthritis Society
416-979-7228 x3348

