Principled Technologies ranks in Triangle Business Journal's top 10 Best Places to Work in the Triangle for third consecutive year

DURHAM, NC--(Marketwired - September 23, 2016) - Principled Technologies, Inc. (PT), a world leader in fact-based marketing and innovative learning services, earned a top ten spot in the medium-sized business category of Triangle Business Journal's "Best Places to Work in the Triangle" awards. Triangle Business Journal announced the 2016 winners at a luncheon on September 22. This is the third consecutive year that PT has ranked in the top ten Best Places to Work.

"PT prides itself on doing great business and taking care of our employees," said John McMains, CEO. PT started in 2003 and now employs over 80 people, who work to provide fact-based marketing and learning services to close to 100 clients.

Triangle Business Journal chose this year's winners through a confidential employee survey process. The winning companies had both a high response rate and high marks from their own employees.

"Employees are the lifeblood of any company," said TBJ publisher Jason Christie upon announcing the top 50 Best Places to Work on July 29. "These 50 companies have demonstrated belief that happy employees produce successful and thriving businesses."

About Principled Technologies

Principled Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of technology marketing services and learning content design and development.

Principled Technologies, Inc. is located in Durham, North Carolina, in the Research Triangle Park region. For more information, please visit

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Contact Information:

Company Contact
Elizabeth Higgins
Principled Technologies, Inc.
1007 Slater Road, Suite #300
Durham, NC 27703

TBJ Award
Profil de l'entreprisePrincipled Technologies