Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting of D. Carnegie & Co AB (publ) on October 14, 2016

The following resolutions were passed at the extraordinary general meeting of D.
Carnegie & Co AB (publ) (the “Company”) on October 14, 2016:

Number of board members, remuneration to the board of directors, election of
board members and chairman of the board
The general meeting of the Company resolved, in accordance with the proposal
from Vega HoldCo Sarl, that the number of board members of the Company shall
continue to be five ordinary board members, without any deputies.

Furthermore, the general meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from
Vega HoldCo Sarl, that the remuneration to the board of directors of the Company
shall remain unchanged, with the exception that the chairman of the board shall
not receive remuneration for his assignment. The remuneration to the newly
appointed and resigned board members shall be divided on a pro rata basis based
on the period each board member has served as board member.

The general meeting further resolved, in accordance with the proposal from Vega
HoldCo Sarl, that James Seppala and Svein Erik Lilleland shall replace Ranny
Davidoff and Terje Nesbakken as board members, for the period until the end of
the next annual general meeting. In addition, the general meeting resolved that
James Seppala shall replace Knut Pousette as chairman of the board of directors,
for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting.

For more information, please contact:
Ulf Nilsson, CEO, D. Carnegie & Co: +46 (0)8 – 121 317 25
Mats Höglund, Board member, D. Carnegie & Co: +46 (0)705 – 93 24 63

This information was released for publication at 4.00 pm CEST on October 14,
About D. Carnegie & Co

D. Carnegie & Co is a property company focusing on residential properties in the
Greater Stockholm region and other growth areas. The company’s business concept
is to own property portfolios slated for a gradual renovation of apartments in
conjunction with the natural turnover of tenants. This can take place quickly
and cost-efficiently thanks to extensive experience from the Bosystem renovation
method which, among other things, means that no evacuation needs to take place.
In addition to this, the company creates value through the development of
building rights in existing portfolios. The market value of the company’s
properties amounted to SEK15,205 million on 30 June 2016. The total rental value
amounted to SEK 1,349 million annually on 30 June 2016. The economic occupancy
rate is high – vacancies are virtually non-existent. D. Carnegie & Co is listed
on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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