Maple Ridge Eye Care Reminding Parents About the Importance of Regular Optometry Eye Exams for Children

MAPLE RIDGE, B.C., Oct. 23, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maple Ridge Eye Care - Optometrists would like to remind parents about the importance of annual eye exams for students. Numerous studies and statistics show the importance of vision and eye health to success in school, which regular eye exams help support. 

The ability to see clearly is foundational to just about everything else in life. An annual eye exam allows these Maple Ridge eye doctors to look for the warning signs of vision and eye health issues. If any concerns are detected, steps can be taken immediately to correct them.

Dr. M. Hurlbert says, “The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends that children receive their first eye exam by six months of age, and our optometrists recommend that children be examined annually thereafter to ensure optimal eye health and developmental progress.” Eyes and vision continue to develop during childhood and through the teenage years. Without regular exams, problems can go unnoticed, and the child may not speak up because they think their vision is normal.  

Healthy eyes are essential to success in the classroom. Without good vision, children can struggle and even get misdiagnosed with learning disorders. The visual senses comprise at least 80 percent of the learning mechanism. Eye issues should be corrected quickly, before academic performance is compromised.

Nearsightedness (myopia) is the most common vision issue found in children. Signs include excessive squinting, headaches, and sitting too close to electronic devices. Other possible children’s eye conditions include lazy eye and frequent infections.

Although school is already in session, it’s never too late to do what’s best for children’s health. School vision screenings only detect an estimated one in four children who have a vision issue.

Dr. Hurlbert encourages all parents of students to contact Maple Ridge Eye Care, or their local optometrist, for an eye exam for their child. He states, “A successful school year depends upon optimal vision and eye health.”

Maple Ridge Eye Care – Optometrists is located at 23015 Dewdney Trunk Road in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. Those in the area who would like to book an eye exam may do so by calling (604) 463-4469. Additional information is available at the Maple Ridge Eye Care website at

