Melker Schörling will resign as Chairman of Hexagon AB as of the AGM 2017

In light of health issues, Melker Schörling has decided to resign as Chairman of
Hexagon AB as of the Annual General Meeting 2017. The Nomination Committee will
propose a successor in conjunction with the notice of the AGM 2017.

For more details, please see the press release from Melker Schörling
AB (

For further information, please contact:
Maria Luthstrom, Investor Relations Manager, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 27,
Hexagon is a leading global provider of information technologies that drive
productivity and quality across geospatial and industrial enterprise
applications. Hexagon's solutions integrate sensors, software, domain knowledge
and customer workflows into intelligent information ecosystems that deliver
actionable information. They are used in a broad range of vital industries.
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has more than 16,000 employees in 46
countries and net sales of approximately 3.0bn EUR. Learn more at ( and follow us @HexagonAB.

Pièces jointes

Profil de l'entrepriseHexagon ABIndustrie: Industrial Machinery