Seasons Applauds Senator Wyden for Introducing Senate Resolution Designating November as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

WASHINGTON, Nov. 30, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care joins the entire hospice and palliative care community in thanking Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon for introducing Senate Resolution S. Res 621, which designates November 2016 as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. Senator Wyden was joined by Senators Baldwin of WI, Coons of DE, Klobuchar of MN, and Merkley of OR.

"A person's end-of-life choices are some of the most difficult but significant decisions they and their families can make," Wyden said. "By working to designate November as National Hospice and Palliative Care month, I'm proud to help bring attention to the importance of hospice and palliative caregivers in helping patients and their families make choices that are best for them."

Throughout November, hospices nationwide have been celebrating their shared commitment to caring for the more than 1.6 million patients we have the honor to serve every year.

"Seasons is thankful for Senator Wyden's support of the hospice community," said Todd Stern, CEO of Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care. "We are excited to help raise awareness of the benefits of hospice and palliative care for patients and families."

Seasons has joined other hospices this November celebrating hospice month by engaging in hospice public awareness campaigns, highlighting celebrations on social media, providing education on advanced directives, and most importantly, by thanking our staff who provide excellent care every day at the bedsides of the patients and families we serve.

Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care
Founded in 1997, Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care is the largest privately owned hospice provider in the nation. Seasons offers high-quality compassionate care in 18 states through our 26 Medicare-certified programs and 17 Hospice Inpatient Centers. In 2015, Seasons caregivers served more than 23,000 patients. For more information, visit

