Worldwide Unsaturated Polyester Resin Competitive Analysis and Leadership Study 2016

IRVING, Texas, Feb. 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The unsaturated polyester resin industry is a mature market that is predominantly characterized by established products, applications, and processes. The major players offer a complete portfolio of resins, covering all the major chemistries and the property and/or performance requirements for the wide range of application markets and processing methods.

This report has 163 figures/charts and 171 tables spread through 208 pages

Polynt and Ashland are the market leaders with diversified product portfolios, strong geographical reach, and high strategic initiatives. Over the next five years, suppliers will be focusing on growing end-user industries like transportation, pipe & tank, and construction in emerging countries like India, China, and the Middle East (particularly in the UAE and Saudi Arabia) where they are likely to capture larger market share in the global UPR market.

Over the last five years, suppliers have focused on new product developments which are resins that are styrene free or have low styrene content. The suppliers have grown organic and inorganic in the last five years. Polynt acquired CCP composites and Reichhold to become the UPR market leader. Also, DSM Composite Resins and CCV have formed a partnership to create a new company: Aliancys A.G. The suppliers have also made partnerships, agreements, and contracts with various distributers around the world.

The companies producing UPR are exploring market opportunities with starkly different strategies. Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed the global UPR market and has come up with a comprehensive research report, “Worldwide Unsaturated Polyester Resin Competitive Analysis and Leadership Study 2016.” This report offers a full competitive analysis from target markets to product mapping, from selling strategies to production capabilities. This report has examined and profiled the world’s leading UPR producers.

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Lucintel created profiles of each competitor based on the following criteria:

Company overview

  • Company Description and Business Segments
  • Corporation Statistics

UPR business overview

  • UPR Business Segments
  • Key Differentiators and Strengths 

Products and product positioning

  • UPR Product Line Overview
  • Product Positioning in Market Segments

Markets and market positioning

  • Market Positioning in the Global UPR business
  • Volume Breakdown by Market Segments
  • Volume Breakdown by Region


  • Global Manufacturing Operations
  • Production Capacities

Innovation and market leadership

Marketing, sales and organizational capabilities

  • Marketing and Sales
  • Management Commitment and Track Record

Financial Strength
The resulting research report represents the most comprehensive strategic and tactical assessment of the UPR producers and competitive landscape available. In terms of the total revenue generated by leading UPR producers, Polynt ranks number one, followed by Ashland. AOC, New Solar Co. Ltd., and Aliancys A. G. (DSM) all of which are included in the report.

The detailed analysis of each company offers a critical view into key strategic areas, including:

  • UPR producer target markets
  • Key differentiators, strengths, competitors, and other insights

Designed for the composites and non-composites industry professionals, financial services firms, and users of UPR, Lucintel's “Worldwide Unsaturated Polyester Resin Competitive Analysis and Leadership Study 2016” is the industry’s comprehensive examination of the UPR producers’ competitive landscape.

Download free sample here

Collected from a series of primary vendor interviews and secondary sources, Lucintel also provides its own scorecard for determining which of these companies is better aligned with future market opportunities and which has the ability to gain additional market share. Using its proprietary research methodology, Lucintel has developed a comparative analysis tool, the ‘Lucintel Leadership Quadrant,’ which identifies leaders and challengers in the UPR market and rates each UPR producer on two primary criteria as shown below: 

  1. Alignment with market opportunity
  2. Ability to gain market share

Ability to gain market share was analyzed using following parameters:

  • Product portfolio
  • Financial strength
  • Asset position
  • Execution skill
  • Customer experience

Alignment with market opportunity was analyzed using following parameters:

  • Target growth markets
  • New product development
  • Corporate and functional strategy
  • Presence within the industry

About Lucintel
Lucintel, the premier global management consulting and market research firm, creates winning strategies for growth—whether you need to understand market dynamics, identify new opportunities, or increase your profitability. It offers market assessments, competitive analysis, opportunity analysis, growth consulting, M&A and due diligence services to executives and key decision-makers in a variety of industries. Over the last 15 years, Lucintel has served over 1,000 corporations in 70 countries. For further information, visit

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