Vecna Re-Imagines Logistics, Unveils End-to-End Solution That Transforms Automation for Warehousing, Manufacturing, Omni-Channel Fulfillment

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 03, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vecna, a leader in robotics for automation, today unveiled its Logistics Solution, an end-to-end logistics approach that re-imagines automation for manufacturing, warehousing and omni-channel fulfillment. With more than two decades of experience and more than $52 million in research and development for collaborative robotic mobility and manipulation, Vecna intends to enable organizations to transform logistics into a competitive advantage across global markets with a low-risk, highly scalable, flexible and extensible solution.

Vecna’s Logistics Solution begins not with specific robotic platforms, but with an overarching approach powered by artificial intelligence that continually optimizes workflow and integrates any and all material handling platforms, including but not limited to Vecna’s full spectrum of robots. This solution is based on four pillars – which are individually best-in-class and collectively represent the most comprehensive approach available.

  • Industry-leading, facility-level simulation determines best targets for automation, identifies the right mix of robot capabilities, and demonstrates clear ROI before implementation
  • Widest and most capable collection of next-generation autonomous robot platforms available
  • Real-time optimization through a proprietary task manager and WMS/MES integration for order processing
  • Comprehensive support, including a remote-assist capability superior to any other available solution

“As mass customization and omni-channel order fulfillment become the predominant model for our consumer economy, the focus will shift from automating siloed tasks to a full spectrum of coordinated automation,” said Daniel Theobald, Vecna co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer.  “The solution we have developed has a foundation in these market dynamics, allowing our customers to turn logistics into a major competitive advantage.”

Software powering the logistics solution has been developed through two decades of R&D developing cutting-edge robotics platforms for hospitals, NASA, United States Army, United States Navy, Department of Defense, DARPA and numerous other partners.

In addition, end-to-end logistics enables accurate tracking of goods from the point of manufacture, all the way through the supply chain, to the consumer’s doorstep.

The Logistics Solution comprises consultation services, software implementation, automated robot platforms, and ongoing support.

Vecna’s proprietary simulation software determines optimal automation platforms for each facility’s unique floor plan, throughput, and resources. Based on this information, customers implement automation platforms from the conveyor (RC), lifter (RL), tow tractor (RT), or VGo telepresence series – and also have the flexibility to integrate their current suite of robots or equipment.

AI commands the fleets’ tasks and continuously optimizes resource allocation based on information from the WMS/MES to ensure the highest level of efficiency. This task manager optimizes the execution of prioritized delivery tasks by leveraging the most appropriate resources given the relevant dynamic constraints. This integrated system leverages not only the robotic platforms, but also crewed equipment and coordinates activities among human and robot workers to ensure that the right resources are used for each task.

Remote assist proactively monitors uptime to ensure that a facility’s operations flow smoothly even in situations that bring other robots to a dead stop.

Vecna’s Logistics Solution, featuring Vecna’s fleet of vehicles, will be on display April 3-6 at ProMAT in Chicago at booth N826 in the Autonomous Vehicles Solution Center. 

Media kit with product photos can be found here

About Vecna
Vecna was founded in 1998 by a consortium of MIT engineers with the mission to empower humanity through transformative technology. Vecna provides technology solutions for customers worldwide in the fields of healthcare, education, business, government, material handling, and beyond. With over two decades of investment in R&D, Vecna brings a mature end-to-end solution to market for manufacturing, warehousing, and omnichannel order fulfillment. Learn more at

