Miracle Project Deemed Evidence Based Therapy in International Journal of Education and Social Science

LOS ANGELES, April 19, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The inclusive music, theater and film programs of The Miracle Project have been officially named as evidence-based therapies for autism, according to the International Journal of Education and Social Science, meaning they are no longer just anecdotally helpful for children and adults with autism, but clinically helpful with anxiety, social skills and more, similar to the threshold met by other proven therapies such as behavior therapy, applied behavior analysis, social skills training or occupational therapy. [http://www.ijessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/4.pdf]

“This is a monumental discovery,” says Elaine Hall, founder of The Miracle Project. “Now, as an evidence based therapy, we can now serve countless more individuals who may not have otherwise had access to our services. We are thankful to the researchers at California State University Northridge for their validation of our programs.”

In the International Journal of Education and Social Science, the study concluded clinically that the therapies provided in The Miracle Project format yield personal and interpersonal transformations including increases in confidence, empathy, comfort in social settings, and trust, all important areas where deficiencies are sometimes noticed among people with autism.

“Evidence based” means that this therapy is eligible for Purchase of Service with California Regional Centers, the case management system for people with autism across the state, as well as with private insurance carriers who are mandated to cover evidence based autism therapies. According to the California Health and Human Services agency, Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to a decision-making process that integrates the best available scientifically rigorous research, clinician expertise, and client characteristics. [http://www.chhs.ca.gov/DSTaskForce/12_Glossary%20of%20DDS%20Terms%202014.pdf]

Dr. Barry Prizant, best selling author of Uniquely Human, and internationally renowned autism expert says of the discovery, “The Miracle Project addresses the core challenges of autism: sensory processing, communication and socialization in a supportive enjoyable manner." Says Hall, “While there is no 'cure’ for autism, our evidence based intervention helps ease the isolation, loneliness and family stress that are often byproducts of a family with autism.”

Public information: To get more information on having Miracle Project as a vendor to your plan or agency, visit http://www.themiracleproject.org.

ABOUT THE MIRACLE PROJECT: Founded in 2004, The Miracle Project is an evidence based, multi-platform socialization program that enables children, teens and young adults with and without autism to express themselves through music, dance, acting, story, and writing based in Los Angeles but serving and inspiring families across the country. This acclaimed arts program was documented in the HBO double EMMY Award-winning documentary, AUTISM: THE MUSICAL. http://www.themiracleproject.org

ABOUT AUTISM: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, autism now affects 1 in 68 children in the United States. Autism is a complex condition that affects a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by behavioral challenges.

