Historical Samples From Signature’s Lingman Lake Mine-Property Illustrate High Gold Grades of Zones

TORONTO, April 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Signature Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:SGU) (OTCQB:SGGTF) ("Signature" or the "Company") wishes to provide more details on historic high gold grades from detailed underground samples of gold zones of up to 51.43gpt along 50.9m length by 1.56m width.

On-going research of historical data of the Lingman Lake deposit has uncovered grade and assay data which demonstrates that the Lingman Lake deposit hosts significant high grade gold zones. In 1948, bulk samples were extracted from the North zone 150 level and 275 level of the mine, along with supporting detailed face samples which yielded the following results.

SampleLevelSample areaOriginal sample sizeFinal sample sizeAu g/t faceAu g/t bulk
No. 1 bulk150L - 1100 East drift9.5m x 1.6m1,361 kg227 kg15.118.7
No. 2 bulk150L - 1100 West drift16.2m x 2.3m1,814 kg227 kg18.522.1
No. 3 bulk275L - 2100 East drift9.5m x 1.0m566 kg227 kg9.69.5
No. 4 bulkComposite of 1, 2 and 3  227 kg 19

Source: Report to Shareholders; November 12, 1947, by J.A. Reid, Consulting Mining Engineer.

A raise (an upward driven tunnel from a lower level to a higher level) driven in the North zone from the 275 level to the 150 level produced the following results.

Raise 2102Vertical distanceGold grade of average
of face samples assays
Weighted average of raise
samples over 30.5m vertical
275L to 16.8m above16.8m33.928.51
16.8m above to 150L13.7m21.9

Raise dimensions at 1.5m x1.5m.
Source: Report to Shareholders; October 1, 1948, by M.G. Smerchanski

Further, an underground level plan illustrating the gold zones as defined by drifting shows the following results.

NORTH1501101E"A"East Portion (North zone B)east of x-cut45.701.3111.31
NORTH1501101W"B" West Portion (North zone B)west of x-cut41.201.7415.43
NORTH2752101E"A" East portion (North Zone B)depth extension of "A" from 150L16.701.8341.83
NORTH2752101E"A East portion (North Zone B)depth extension of "A" from 150L east of above19.811.5215.77
NORTH2752101W"B" West Portion (North zone B)west of main x-cut22.861.3713.37
NORTH4004100E"A" East portion (North Zone B)84m east of main x-cut50.901.5651.43
CENTRAL2752100Efootwall (Central zone B)east of main x-cut81.600.7310.97
CENTRAL2752100Ehangingwall (Central zone A)east of main x-cut30.501.2511.31
CENTRAL4004100 E and Wfootwall (Central zone B)south of shaft, east-west of main cross cut36.601.0013.03
CENTRAL4004100Whangingwall (Central zone A)west of main x-cut39.011.7112.00
SOUTH2752099footwall (South zone B)west of main x-cut20.308.7013.02

Source: “Composite assay plan of underground levels, Lingman Lake Gold Mines Ltd. November 1948”.

“This historical information is an indication that high grade zones were outlined in the past. We are excited to continue the exploration of these high grade gold zones as part of the next stage of exploration,” commented Walter Hanych, President and CEO of Signature Resources.

The historical information – data contained in this press release has been verified to the extent that the sources of information stem from reliable reports and plan maps generated in the period 1946-1948 when Lingman Lake Gold Mines was developing the deposit. Actual assay certificates and individual assay intervals that comprise composite assay information are not available for verification. By the very nature that this data is from underground sampling conducted in the period 1946-1948, and access to the underground is not possible this information cannot be independently verified.

Qualified Persons

The scientific and technical content of this press release has been prepared, reviewed and approved by Walter Hanych P.Geo. and President-CEO of Signature Resources who is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Signature

The Lingman Lake gold property consists of four free hold patented claims and the 50 staked claims, totalling 9,896.8 hectares. The property hosts an historic estimate of 234,684 oz of gold* (1,063,904 tonnes grading 6.86 g/t with 2.73 gpt cut-off) and includes what has historically been referred to as the Lingman Lake Gold Mine, an underground substructure consisting of a 126.5-meter shaft, and 3-levels at 46-meters, 84-meters and 122-meters depths.

*This historical resource estimate is based on prior data and reports obtained and prepared by previous operators, and information provided by governmental authorities. A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to verify the classification of the mineral resource estimates in accordance with current CIM categories. The Company is not treating the historical estimate as a current NI 43-101-compliant mineral resource estimate. Establishing a current mineral resource estimate on the Lingman Lake deposit will require further evaluation, which the Company and its consultants intend to complete in due course. Additional information regarding historical resource estimates is available in the technical report entitled, “Technical Report on the Lingman Lake Property” dated December 20, 2013, prepared by Walter Hanych, P.Geo., and Frank Racicot, P.Geo., available on the Company’s SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com

To find out more about Signature Resources Limited, visit our website at www.signatureresources.ca, or contact:

Walter Hanych
Chief Executive Officer

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