2018 Knowles Teaching Fellowship Application Available

Five-Year Fellowship for Early-Career Science and Mathematics Teachers

Moorestown, NJ, May 18, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) is accepting applications for 2018 Teaching Fellowships. The Knowles Teaching Fellows Program provides early-career, secondary science and mathematics teachers with the resources and support needed to improve education in their classrooms and beyond. Applications for 2018 Knowles Fellowships are due by 11:59 p.m. PST on November 26, 2017.

The five-year Knowles Teaching Fellows Program provides a comprehensive suite of benefits valued at approximately $150,000, including:

– membership in a nationwide community of more than 300 science and math educators;

– stipends;

– grants for professional development, classroom materials, and National Board Certification;

– mentoring from experienced teachers and teacher educators; and

– support for teacher leadership efforts.

“KSTF recognizes that teachers are uniquely positioned to improve education,” stated Nicole Gillespie, Executive Director and CEO, KSTF. “The Knowles Teaching Fellows Program is designed specifically to help beginning teachers build the skills and confidence needed to lead from the classroom.”

Heather Hotchkiss, Knowles Teaching Fellow, 2010 Cohort commented, “A lot of who I am as a teacher has been shaped by the access to professional development offered by KSTF and the relationships I’ve built with members of the KSTF community.”

KSTF awards approximately 35 Fellowships annually to early-career, secondary science and mathematics teachers who exhibit the potential to develop the content knowledge needed for teaching, exemplary teaching practices, and the qualities of a teacher leader.

Visit www.kstf.org/fellowships/criteria-and-eligibility to find detailed information about the Fellowship, including the application process and selection criteria.

KSTF staff recently completed their selection of the members of its 2017 Cohort of Teaching Fellows. This year’s cohort is made up of 37 teachers, including 28 advanced degrees holders, three AmeriCorps alumni, one Upward Bound instructor, one returned Peace Corps volunteer, one National Parks Service Park Ranger and one professional basketball player. Biographies on each member of the 2017 Cohort will be available at www.kstf.org in the near future.  

About KSTF                                                                                                                                                 

The Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) was established by Janet H. and C. Harry Knowles in 1999 to increase the number of high quality high school science and mathematics teachers and ultimately, improve math and science education in the United States. The Knowles Teaching Fellows Program, the Foundation’s signature program, awards five-year Fellowships to promising early-career, secondary science and mathematics teachers, and supports them in their efforts to improve education in their own classrooms and beyond. For more information, visit www.kstf.org.



