Arduino Foundation Offers Membership to Passionate Community of Developers

Advancing Open-Source Software Created and Perfected by the True Experts

Maker Faire Bay Area 2017, San Mateo, CA, May 19, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arduino, leading open-source ecosystem for Education, Maker and Internet of Things (IoT) markets, announced the initial steps to form the Arduino Foundation, where software developers can register to become members and participate in providing and reviewing feedback for the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE has been under development since 2003, and has been built upon by countless developers who are passionate about Arduino. The Foundation is a way to formalize the process, and give developers direct ‘ownership’ in the process and community.

“All that we have, we owe to the community,” said Arduino CEO Federico Musto. “The Foundation is a way to encourage members take Arduino to places they want to see it go. Arduino is just implementing the first step to ensure that Arduino remains a community-driven, open source effort. As soon as it gets off the ground, of course, members will decide how to grow and strengthen the IDE software to continue making projects in education, IoT and beyond.”

The full details of the Foundation aren’t determined, and will be ultimately decided by its membership and board, which will soon be established. After Arduino organizes the official Foundation, the Foundation itself will inform the community of its leadership and strategic effort.

About Arduino
Arduino is the world’s leading open-source software and hardware ecosystem. The Company offers IoT developers and Makers of all ages the ability to build smart, connected and interactive devices using affordable technologies. Check us out at and




Profil de l'entrepriseArduinoIndustrie: Computer Hardware