Expansion in the Steel City

Pittsburgh, PA, May 26, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Company culture is very important in today’s workplace. Having a positive work environment makes for better and more productive employees, and it is crucial for the survival of any business, big or small, to always maintain that pertinence. Steel River Marketing is a company that provides a nurturing work environment to avail to its employees various avenues through which to develop.

About the company: Steel River Marketing is a new up and coming company based in Pittsburgh, PA. It was created to take advantage of the opportunity to properly represent its clientele in their respective competitive markets. The main focus in 2017 has been to build a brand recognized in the energy supply and telecommunications industry. The company boasts many different roles and seeks to grow quickly to continue to meet and exceed client expectations. Being a relatively new company means the provision for local individuals thirsty for personal and financial growth to seize the reigns of this opportunity to shape their futures.

The company currently cultivates and emphasizes a fun culture. As we all know, after graduating school the strenuous job hunt for the perfect fit is discouraging to a lot of individuals nowadays as they find most companies provide a very textbook work environment, with no room for fun.

“Millennials, generally, want a fun and exciting environment to accomplish their goals. And who can blame them? To paraphrase an old adage, if you have fun at what you do, you will never work a day in your life. Basically, get paid to have fun!” said, Sean Gustavson, CEO, after a night of paintball with the entire company to celebrate the promotion of an employee, Brandon Strozyk.

Employees at Steel River Marketing particularly appreciate the open door policy access they have to the senior staff. And that should be expected from a company that prides itself on one-on-one coaching and mentorship of every employee. In spite of being goal oriented, the fun creates a family-like atmosphere, where each individual is appreciated for their collection of attributes. They become empowered and feel proud to work for a company that goes above and beyond to ensure their success!

