June 1 Kicks Off Men’s Health Month

Communities Across the Globe Will Recognize Health Awareness Month Dedicated to Men and Boys

Washington, D.C., June 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Communities around the globe are recognizing June as Men’s Health Month, an annual awareness period solely dedicated to education and activities on the health and wellness of men and boys. Men’s Health Week, a special awareness period recognized by Congress, is also celebrated. Men’s Health Week ends on Father’s Day, June 12-18 this year. The week is celebrated as International Men’s Health Week around the globe.

During this time, health care professionals, private corporations, faith-based organizations, government agencies, and groups plan activities that focus on the health and well-being of boys, men, and their families. Men’s Health Month is built on the pillars of Awareness–Prevention–Education–Family.

Congress joins the celebration with a Congressional Workout, planned for late June.

Men’s Health Month, now in its 23rd year, is credited with the increase in awareness and wellness activities for boys and men in all areas of the public and private sectors, resulting in better health outcomes and longer life expectancy.

“Men’s Health Month is an essential component in helping to educate the public in health disparities between men and women. Men continue to have fewer regular doctor visits than women, and are less likely to have health insurance,” said Ana Fadich, VP of Men’s Health Network. “It is exciting to see the continued support of Men’s Health Month from policymakers, state and federal legislators, the media, and our private and non-profit partners who help spread the word about the month.”

“Men's Health Month is a great opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of preventative screenings. HealthyWomen is pleased to continue our support of the Men's Health Network and their great efforts in preventative health education and resources for both men and boys,” said Beth Battaglino, CEO HealthyWomen. “Together, our organizations have created unique opportunities to engage, educate and empower men and the women who care for them on the importance of preventative screening tests and regular checkups.”

“As we know from our online screening program, many men seek help online for mental health concerns—often for the first time. However, too often, men avoid the topic of mental health due to the conflicting viewpoints about masculinity, sensitivity, and emotional health,” said Paul Gionfriddo, President and CEO of Mental Health America.”This month and every month, it's important for men of all ages to address their mental health before crisis stage.”

The last year has been pivotal in health issues impacting men. Earlier this spring, a federal health task force released new recommendations impacting prostate cancer screenings for men. And new data from the National Center for Health Statistics reports that the life expectancy for certain segments of men has declined.

 “You can’t address a health issue without knowing it exists. Almost all of the health problems facing men are preventable. Problems stemming from health have a negative impact on the community as a whole—it causes the destruction of families,” said Jean Bonhomme, MD, Founder of the Black Men’s Health Network. “Education and awareness through efforts like Men’s Health Month are essential in getting men to be more engaged in their health.”

Mayors and governors across the country recognize June as Men's Health Month with official proclamations. The proclamations are displayed in Congress and reports on the status of the health and well-being of boys and men in each state are available at the State of Men’s Health website.  Free resources are available in both English and Spanish at www.menshealthmonth.com.

 A key part of the continued momentum is the annual, worldwide social media campaign, including:

· Men’s Health Network & SaludTues Tweetchat: “ “National Men’s Health Month” with the federal Office of Minority Health and other partners 1:00 p.m. EDT on June 6

· #ShowUsYourBlue campaign: People all over the world take pictures of themselves and others wearing blue to increase awareness. The social media storm is on Wear Blue Friday, June 16, the Friday of Men's Health Week 

Men’s Health Month supporters include Endo Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Inc., Allergan Foundation, Sanofi, Genomic Health, Mental Health America, and HealthyWomen, among others.

Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week are sponsored by Men’s Health Network (MHN), which maintains a list of experts and spokespersons on all areas of male health and wellness, including fatherhood issues. Learn more about Men’s Health Network’s 2017 25th Anniversary.

Men's Health Network (MHN) is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health awareness messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Learn more about MHN at www.menshealthnetwork.org and follow them on Twitter @MensHlthNetwork and Facebook at www.facebook.com/menshealthnetwork. For more information on MHN's ongoing Dialogue on Men's Health series, visit www.dialogueonmenshealth.com

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