Washington, D.C., June 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ambassador John Bolton announced today his endorsement of Representative Carlos Curbelo in his bid for Congress in Florida’s 26th Congressional District. In addition, the John Bolton PAC will contribute a total of $10,000 to his 2018 campaign. This announcement comes as part of a larger contribution of $100,000, which will be distributed among ten Congressional candidates whom the Ambassador has identified as champions of a strong national security and foreign policy.  

“Carlos Curbelo understands that America must be a strong leader in the international arena, which includes supporting our allies against adversaries,” said Ambassador John Bolton. “Because Carlos knows that peace is achieved through strength, I am confident that he will continue to be a strong voice in Congress and will work tirelessly to strengthen America’s national security.”  

Carlos Curbelo issued the following statement in response to Ambassador Bolton’s contribution to his campaign:

"The national security challenges facing our nation in the 21st century are unlike anything we've confronted before," Curbelo said. "With a world that is more connected than many could have imagined, threats from the smallest corners of the globe can have direct repercussions here at home. A strong defense and comprehensive foreign policy are critical to sustaining American leadership on the global stage while protecting Americans at home and abroad. Ambassador Bolton has been a strong advocate for these values and I welcome his support as we work toward a stronger and safer nation."

In the 2016 election cycle, the John Bolton PAC contributed a total of $680,000 and endorsed 94 candidates, making it the most active leadership PAC in the country, and earning the PAC numerous industry awards. This is the earliest the John Bolton PAC has involved itself in an election cycle, signaling Ambassador Bolton’s plans to significantly increase contributions for the 2018 elections.

In addition to his leadership PAC, Ambassador Bolton heads the John Bolton SuperPAC, which spent nearly $5M on independent expenditures for three U.S. Senate races in 2016.


About the John Bolton PAC ( The John Bolton PAC was founded by former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John R. Bolton to raise the importance of American national security in federal elections. The PAC will support and contribute to candidates who are committed to restoring strong American economic and national security policies that secure America's interests in a challenging world.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

