GSA Seeks Office Space in Ft. Myers, Florida

Space Must Meet Fire Safety, Accessibility, Seismic, and Sustainability Requirements

Ft. Myers, Florida , June 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) on June 20 released a sources sought notice in which it outlined plans to lease space in Ft. Myers, Florida, and in which it invited interested contractors to share information about space they have available.

The office space must be around 14,175 square feet and in the following delineated area:

North: Caloosahatchee Bay/Palm Beach Boulevard

East: Buckingham Road/Gunnery Road/Floyd Avenue South/Treeline Avenue South
South: Alico Road
West: Route 41-45/Victoria Avenue/McGregor Boulevard/W. 1st  Street/Caloosahatchee Bay

The GSA in its sources sought notice also outlined other requirements:

  • The lease must come with 10 parking spaces.
  • The lease must have a firm 10-year term, and the possibility of extending the lease by five years for a full 15-year term.
  • The space must be on contiguous floors, and contiguous itself (preferably on the second floor or higher).
  • The space may be on the first/ground floor, but additional security may be required.
  • If space is in multi-floor building, one elevator must have override control, and if the office is located on the sixth floor or above, the elevator must be on emergency power.

The proposed facility shall not be located in the immediate vicinity of any facilities identified by the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) as "hazardous materials transportation/storage facilities." Examples of hazardous locations include facilities with potential environmental threats, such as fuel storage areas, gas stations, chemical manufacturing facilities, etc., as well as railroad lines transporting hazardous material.

The GSA, in its sources sought notice, also indicated its preference that the proposed facility not be located near a low-risk facility, such as a day care center, senior center, school, hospital, and/or religious/rehabilitation/social service center. Proposed facility space must not be located within 640 feet of hazardous areas, such as bulk storage sites (e.g., hazardous materials storage sites, water purification centers, above ground fuel storage, rail yards).

The GSA also will not consider space near public defenders, immigration and customs enforcement, probation offices, or other businesses or facilities that the GSA’s physical security unit deems unacceptable, and also will not consider space or facilities in close proximity or adjacent to facilities associated with foreign powers on its National Security Threat List.

Finally, the GSA requires the space meet all fire safety, accessibility, seismic, and sustainability requirements; that the lease is fully services; and that the space is not in the 100-year flood plan.

Interested and capable contractors must submit responses by no later than 5 p.m. on July 13 to Erik Weiss at and to Melissa Hein at

The contractor who receives this contract also must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) database and have as part of the Registration all current Representations and Certifications.

US Federal Contractor Registration, the world’s largest third-party government registration firm, and a firm that not only helps companies survive but also thrive, completes the required Registrations on behalf of its clients. It also makes available information about opportunities like this, as well as training on how to locate, research, and respond to opportunities.

We also make available for our clients and for contracting officers our proprietary Advanced Federal Procurement Data Search (AFPDS). Our Advanced Federal Procurement Data Search (AFPDS) gives you in one place instant bid notifications, bid proposal prospecting, and information about government procurement officers. We make this search tool available to clients, as part of our commitment to helping each and every USFCR client succeed and thrive as a government contractor.

For contracting officers, the AFPDS gives them in one place access to a database of available contractors and also a place to post information about opportunities. Contracting officers get free access to AFPDS. We also provide interested contracting officers a list of contractors who may be able to provide a service and/or product that they need.

For more information, to get started with a SAM registration, to learn more about how US Federal Contractor Registration can help your business succeed, to find out how we can help you complete the processes necessary to become certified as one or more types of small business(es), and/or to speak with our federal training specialists about how to craft a memorable proposal, call 877-252-2700, ext. 1.

