Arizona LGBTQ Not-For-Profit one•n•ten Immediately Reopens Youth Center in New Location After Fire Destroys Building

Temporary Location at Parsons Center for Health and Wellness Ready to Serve Community

PHOENIX, July 14, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- one•n•ten, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving LGBTQ youth and young adults, was forced to relocate its Youth Center located at 3660 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, Arizona, following a devastating fire on July 12. No one was in the building during the time of the fire and there were no injuries. The Phoenix Fire Department informed one•n•ten that the cause of the fire is not suspicious, but the exact origin is still under investigation.

“We’re thankful no one was injured during this tragedy,” said Linda Elliott, executive director of one•n•ten. “Despite this setback, we are undeterred in our Youth Center’s mission to enhance the lives of LGBTQ youth by creating a safe-space in which they feel empowered and accepted.”

Beginning July 13, one•n•ten, resumed all Youth Center operations at the Parsons Center for Health and Wellness on Central Avenue and Portland Street in a light-rail accessible temporary space located in the same building as its administrative offices. Later this summer, a permanent and previously planned new Youth Center will open at the Parsons Center.

To continue serving Arizona’s LGBTQ youth, one•n•ten is looking to the community to replace all items lost in the fire, including furniture, camp supplies, musical instruments and art supplies. To see a list of needed items, visit the one•n•ten Facebook page.

“The outpouring of support we have received has been very heartwarming,” said Rick McCartney, vice chairman of one•n•ten. “The community has been absolutely incredible and the contributions have been greatly appreciated.”

The one•n•ten Youth Center is open seven days per week and services thousands of LGBTQ youth per year, or approximately 20 to 40 on any given night.

To make a tax-deductible donation to one•n•ten, please visit

About one•n•ten
one•n•ten is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving and assisting LGBTQ youth. They provide youth aged 14 to 24 with tools to improve self-esteem by providing access to social programs that promote self‐acceptance, leadership development and healthy life choices. onenten provides a comprehensive set of programs and services, including supportive youth centers, housing programs, employment programs, Q High, athletics, arts and music, and partnerships with national LGBTQ organizations. onenten is building a world where all LGBTQ youth and young adults are embraced for who they are, actively engaged in their communities and empowered to lead.



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