Medical insurance makes a difference in the lives of cats and dogs

Seattle, Aug. 03, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Medical insurance for cats and dogs has become more popular over the years as many pet owners opt-in to a higher quality of veterinary care for their pets. Trupanion, a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs, identified three ways that pet owners are seeing the benefits of insurance for their pets.

Medical insurance for pets covers everyday accidents

Dogs and cats of all breeds and sizes can run into accidents or incur unexpected injuries at any time in their lives. Young pets are especially susceptible as they get to know the world around them—eating things and testing their boundaries. This is when insurance can really help. Foreign body ingestion, when pets eat something they shouldn’t, is one of the most common claims Trupanion receives. The average cost is $1,400, but complications like infection, can increase costs from $2,000 to $10,000.

Webster the kitten had a habit of eating an array of objects. “When he was a kitten, we found him trying to eat a push-pin, a piece of glass, and he even passed a necklace that went missing, which we later found in the litter box. After several visits to the vet, our veterinarian encouraged us to look at medical insurance, and mentioned that Trupanion was the only insurance that would pay our vet directly at the time of our visit,” said his owner, Lindsay, D., from Chicago, Illinois.

His owners were grateful that they insured Webster. “Eventually he fully ingested one of his toys on a bungee-cord string—but this time it could have been deadly,” said Lindsay. “Webster needed surgery to remove the toy.” The Trupanion policy covered $1,680 of the cost. “This was such a relief because we didn’t have to cover the entire bill out of pocket, and we didn’t have to worry about sending in a claim for reimbursement – instead, we could focus on Webster’s recovery.”

Pets can have coverage for chronic conditions

Dogs and cats can develop chronic conditions like arthritis, diabetes, and allergies. Those conditions can require monthly prescriptions, frequent veterinary visits and treatments that soon add up. Depending on the severity, chronic conditions can cost thousands of dollars to manage over the life of a pet. Medical insurance can mitigate some of those costs.

Pet owner, Giovanna G. of Newport Beach, California, experienced this firsthand with her Shiba Inu, Kona. “Kona developed serious allergies at an early age— but having the enormous peace of mind of being covered by Trupanion has made everything much easier. After a year or so with chronic allergies, Kona was referred to a specialist for his skin condition. Even after several years of receiving treatment at the Animal Dermatology Clinic, I was assured that Kona would never run out of coverage and guess what? He hasn’t,” said Giovanna. The Trupanion policy has paid over $14,380 toward his chronic allergy treatments.

Medical insurance for pets can cover advanced medicine

Pets have access to advanced veterinary medicine, like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, stem cell therapy, and cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. The treatments available can prolong a quality life for pets, but they can come at a cost.

When Halle, an Australian Shepherd, jumped through a broken window, her injury didn’t stop with sutures. A week after the injury, her owners discovered that she lacerated a tendon and would need additional surgery and rehabilitation to recover. “For the next ten weeks we went back and forth for follow-up appointments. After that initial period, we began the physical therapy and we also worked with a veterinary chiropractor, who kept Halle’s body in alignment,” said Michaele T. of Berkeley, California.

Over the course of her recovery, Halle received physical therapy including the underwater treadmill, cold laser treatments, shockwave treatments, acupuncture, and sonograms. Halle also had platelet-enriched plasma injections.

Her owner reflected, “no matter what was needed, Trupanion has been there. We have truly been able to give Halle the best care possible, without having to worry about the costs. Not one bill was questioned. We have felt completely free to do whatever has been necessary to help our dog get better.” The Trupanion policy paid over $22,000 toward her care.

About Trupanion

Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States and Canada. For almost two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Omega General Insurance Company. For more information please visit


