Cognosec AB (Publ): Half Yearly Report Ending 30 June 2017 - Improving Margins with Second Acquisition Near Completion Stage

Half Yearly Report Ending June 2017 31st August 2017

Improving Margins with Second Acquisition
Near Completion Stage

Cognosec AB (Publ) ("Cognosec" or the "Group") is pleased to announce its results for the six months ended 30
June 2017.


Total revenues grew 5.6% to 7.5m EUR (H1 2016: 7.1m EUR). This, combined with lower cost of sales, demonstrated
improved margins compared to Half Year 2016. Total Gross Profit for H1 2017 increased 19.36% from 2.6m EUR (H1
2016) to 3.14m EUR (H1 2017). Key contracts that were previously delayed are beginning to be converted into confirmed
sales, planned annual increases in Group costs that have been incurred to provide greater synergy across the Group,
has led to reductions of costs in Q2 2017 by 250k EUR, compared to Q1 2017. Planned shortfall in revenue stretched
the Group's cash position, pending debtor collections and unwinding of deposits. Overall Group loss for H1 2017 -1.6m
EUR (2016 H1: loss of 582k EUR). A-tek acquisition has been completed and has now been officially rebranded as
Credence UK. Cognosec AB announced the signing of Heads of Terms of Agreement, pursuant to the acquisition of
Intact Software Distribution and this acquisition is nearing the completion stage. These acquisitions reflect a planned
investment in upscaling our managed service and product offering across the globe.

· Group Revenue of 7.5m EUR (H1 2016: 7.1m EUR), an increase of 5.6%.
· Group loss of -1.6m EUR (H1 2016: loss 0,774m EUR)
· Cognosec UAE increased revenues by 22% to 1.67m EUR for H1 2017. (H1 2016:1.36m EUR).
· Credence SA increased revenues by 507k EUR (181.7%), to 786k EUR, compared to H1 2016 (279k).
· Group Gross Margin for H1 2017 was 41.9% (H1 2016 Gross Margin: 38.4%).
· Quarterly underlying operating loss, excluding new European entities: -516k EUR (Q1 2017 loss -78k EUR).
· The Group's net debt at the end of Q2 2017 was 144k EUR (Q1 2017: net debt 86k EUR).
· Group Q2 operating loss of -1.33m EUR (Q1 2017 YTD: loss 846k EUR).
· The Group employed 139 staff at the end of Q2 2017, up 21% compared to Q2 2016 (114).

*Result per share refers to result per share atributable to equity owners of the parent company. There is no dillution of earnings per share. This report
is published in English. Average number of shares outstanding for the period 30 June 2017 (Q2 2017) were 257,159,500 (Q2 2016 average number
of shares outstanding 247,600,500 ).


For additional information, please contact: Tim Metcalfe or Miles Nolan, IFC Advisory, Cognosec AB
Telephone: +44 203 053 8671 E-mail:

About Cognosec AB (Nasdaq: COGS.ST)

Cognosec AB (Publ) is engaged in cyber security and conducts its operations in Sweden, South Africa, UK, Kenya,
Germany, Austria and the United Arab Emirates. Listed on Nasdaq First North (Nasdaq: COGS.ST), the Group
delivers services and technology licences to enhance their clients' protection against unwanted intrusion and to
prevent various forms of information theft. Cognosec had revenues of 14.64m EUR in 2016. For further

information, please visit

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