Kinetica Selected to Demo at FinovateFall 2017 and Data Driven NYC; Presenting at O’Reilly Strata Data Conference

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 06, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kinetica, provider of the world’s fastest GPU-accelerated analytics database, today announced it has been selected to demonstrate at FinovateFall 2017 how to achieve real-time, interactive analytics for financial services using a modern distributed, in-memory GPU-enabled database; and at the Data Driven NYC Meetup on the rise of GPU-accelerated computing in the datacenter.  It will also present at O’Reilly Strata Data Conference on how to develop smarter business apps using a modern GPU database.

Details of Kinetica presentations include:

FinovateFall 2017
The FinovateFall Conference brings together senior financial and banking executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts, and entrepreneurs excited to see the future of fintech via a unique, demo-only format. Kinetica was selected to present its technology based in part on its level of innovation and degree of impact in the fintech industry. In an industry where milliseconds matter and where insight directly equates to money, machine learning, deep learning and faster analytics offer a distinct competitive advantage. Kinetica makes it possible for financial organizations to derive insights and make predictions from vast volumes of complex and streaming data in milliseconds. Financial services customers use Kinetica for AI and truly real-time analytics demands including fraud analysis, risk management and algorithmic trading.

When: Monday, September 11
Where: New York Hilton Midtown in New York City
What: Karthik Lalithraj, principal solutions architect at Kinetica, will demo its GPU-accelerated database for financial services and will show attendees:

  • How to GPU-enable XVA analytics. Learn how easy it is to ingest data from a plethora of third party sources, perform high speed analytics (choose from 6 different supported languages) and get immediate visual insights.
  • How to power real-time dashboards that facilitate data-driven decisions. Attendees will also see how to use next-gen in-database analytics with user defined functions (UDFs) to achieve massive parallelization and convert batch/overnight risk algorithms to a streaming near real-time environment. Traders, auditors and management can now leverage a high performance and flexible solution that allows them to monetize data.
  • How to create and deploy any financial services algorithm/model/library as a user defined function, and democratize data science workloads. Business users can choose their algorithm (from a list of Functions), filter their dataset and instantaneously made decisions by interacting with billions of rows of data.

Data Driven NYC Meetup
Data Driven NYC (organized by FirstMark), is a community of tech enthusiasts who are passionate about Big Data, AI, data science and data-driven products and businesses, in New York and beyond.  The community meets monthly at three hour events that include both company presentations and informal networking.

When: September 25 at 5:45 pm
Where: Moody's Analytics (7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St., NYC)
What: Kinetica’s Nima Neghaban, CTO and cofounder, will discuss the rise of GPUs in the datacenter and the applications and use cases most benefitting from acceleration.

O’Reilly Strata Data Conference
Strata Data Conference is where cutting-edge science and new business fundamentals intersect—and merge. It's a deep dive into emerging techniques and technologies. Attendees will dissect case studies, develop new skills through in-depth tutorials, share emerging best practices in data science, and imagine the future.

When: September 25 – 28, 2017
Where: Booth #825; Javits Center, NYC
What: On Wednesday, September 27 at 4:35 pm, Room 1A 03, Mate Radalj, VP of Advanced Technology Group at Kinetica, will present “Smarter Business Apps with a Modern GPU Database.”  He will explain how a GPU-accelerated database enables data science teams to develop, test, and train algorithms while making them directly available to business users through point-and-click apps to enable a data-driven enterprise.

Additionally, Kinetica will be speaking at the Chicago Hadoop Users Group (CHUG) on September 12 on “Better Together: Converging Data Lakes and GPU-accelerated in-memory database for sonic speed analytics”; the Atlanta Hardware Accelerated Analytics Group on September 13 on “Installation and Operation of Kinetica”; and can be found exhibiting at the MLconference on September 15 in Atlanta, GA.

About Kinetica
Headquartered in San Francisco, Calif., Kinetica is the provider of the only GPU database to combine data warehouse, advanced analytics, visualizations, and is optimized for running machine learning and deep learning models. With Kinetica, users can simultaneously ingest, explore, analyze and visualize fast-moving, complex data within milliseconds to make critical decisions and find efficiencies, lower cost, generate new revenue and improve customer experience. Customers in verticals such as financial services, retail, healthcare, utilities and public sector use Kinetica for fast OLAP, convergence of AI and BI, and geospatial analytics. Amazon, Cisco, Dell, Google, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NVIDIA and Tableau are part of the Kinetica ecosystem of cloud, hardware, server and software partners. Investors include Canvas Ventures, Citi Ventures, GreatPoint Ventures, and Meritech Capital Partners. Learn more at

