PLMA Presents Electricity Demand Response Training in Brooklyn, New York on October 16-20

Courses Explore Distributed Energy Resource Integration

Brooklyn, New York , Sept. 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Media Contact: Ed Thomas; Executive Director, PLMA; (707) 652-5333;

PLMA Presents Electricity Demand Response
Training in Brooklyn, New York on October 16-20

Courses Explore Distributed Energy Resource Integration  

Brooklyn, New York – September 20, 2017 PLMA (Peak Load Management Alliance) presents two courses in its Electricity Demand Response Training Series on October 16-20, 2017 in Brooklyn, New York.  Orange and Rockland Utilities will co-host the training by established industry training providers in EnergyHub’s offices.   The course outline and details are at  The two courses are:

·  Demand Response Markets – a two-day course that explores how to leverage wholesale energy market models to design demand response programs for traditionally regulated, restructured, and emerging electricity markets.  The course offers a detailed review of the similarities and differences among markets in which demand resources can participate; and, the current and future roles for electricity consumers, aggregators, energy retailers, utilities, and market operators.

·  Demand Response Program Design and Implementation – a two-day course that covers the key elements of demand response program development. Design topics include: business drivers; market potential; portfolio design; and economic analysis. Implementation topics include tactics and methodologies used to improve program success, including a discussion of: organizational and resourcing strategies; contracting; business processes; technology integration; and measurement & verification.

Both training courses include interactive exercises mentored industry practitioners to enable participants to gain hands-on experience as they learn.  The primary audience includes utility and regulatory staff as well as other energy industry trade allies and organizations seeking to improve their knowledge of how demand response methods are used in the electricity industry to meet peak electricity demand, mitigate the impact of high electricity prices, and manage variable generation. The training is open to all industry stakeholders with preferred pricing to PLMA member organization staff. 

PLMA (Peak Load Management Alliance) is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 as the Voice of Demand Response Practitioners.  PLMA’s over 130 member organizations share expertise to educate each other and explore innovative approaches to demand response programs, price and rate response, regional regulatory issues, and technologies as the energy markets evolve represent a broad range of energy professionals.  Learn more at


