Distribution interim dividend

27/10/2017- 17u45

Distribution interim dividend

Regulatory information - inside information

Campine generated good half-year results (see our Interim financial report 30/06/2017) and the perspectives for the second semester remains positive.

Campine would like to express its appreciation for the support and trust of the shareholders. Therefore, the Board of Directors decided to distribute an interim dividend of € 1.5 mio, being
€ 1.00 gross (€ 0.70 net) against presentation of coupon nr 8, with payment date 7 November 2017 (ex-date: 3 November 2017, record date: 6 November 2017).

Meanwhile the Board of Directors also approved 3 large investment projects which, amongst others represent a capacity increase and efficiency improvement and furthermore offer Campine an additional added value in the area of diversification, innovation and environment. The trust in a positive future for the company is herewith confirmed.

For further information you can contact Karin Leysen (tel. no +32 14 60 15 49)
(email: Karin.Leysen@campine.be)

Pièces jointes

20171027 interimdividend