Stratos Genomics Raises Funds to Ready for Commercialization

SEATTLE, Jan. 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stratos Genomics, Inc., a 4th generation DNA sequencing technology company, today announced it has raised $20 million in venture capital from Fisk Ventures. The funds will be used for final system development leading to commercial introduction of the company’s proprietary sequencing platform. The next phase of system development will build upon recent breakthroughs in Stratos Genomics’ biochemistry development program which will enable the company’s Sequencing by Expansion (SBX™) technology to perform sequencing at commercially compelling levels of read length, accuracy, process speed and work flow efficiency.

SBX is an elegant, low-cost sequencing technology, with a simple workflow and rapid sample-to-measurement process times that can be configured for small, targeted sequence applications as well as large high-throughput whole genome systems. The versatile, low-cost SBX sequencing technology will enable opportunities for a vast array of growing market applications.

“We are excited that our vision of introducing a transformative next generation sequencing platform to the healthcare and research markets is approaching realization,” Stratos Genomics President & CEO, Mark Kokoris, said. “Our recent development breakthroughs put us in position to evaluate a number of strategic options and open discussions with partners who share our vision.”

About Stratos Genomics

Stratos Genomics’ goal is to establish the next gold standard of DNA sequencing with its flagship Sequencing by Expansion (SBX™) method. SBX is a 4th generation DNA sequencing method that uses a simple biochemical reaction to encode the sequence of a DNA molecule into a highly measurable surrogate polymer called an Xpandomer. Xpandomers encode the sequence information in high signal-to-noise reporters that enable high-fidelity, single molecule sequencing in a low-cost nanopore instrument. The entire process time from DNA sample to nanopore measurement is < 1 hour, enabling rapid diagnostics and treatment. By eliminating sample prep overhead required by other technologies and fully leveraging single molecule measurement efficiencies, SBX enables a new path forward for next generation sequencing applications. A versatile and simple workflow is key to delivering timely and accurate, targeted DNA sequence at the lowest price point.

Media Contact:
Mark Kokoris
President & CEO
(206) 576-7320