AIA Canada’s Voice Heard at the Senate – Senate Committee’s Report on Automated Vehicles Takes Note of Aftermarket Concerns

OTTAWA, Jan. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications released its report identifying regulatory and technical issues related to the deployment of automated and connected vehicles. Titled, ‘Driving Change: Technology and the Future of the Automated Vehicle,’ the report recommendations clearly indicate that the Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada's message was heard loud and clear.

On May 17, 2017, President Jean-François Champagne and Vice President France Daviault of AIA Canada testified on behalf of the automotive aftermarket industry. They expressed concern for the increasing amount of vehicle data being generated by telematics technology and the control of that data by vehicle manufacturers. They advised that the aftermarket industry requires fair access to vehicle data for repair and diagnostic purposes and to ensure fair competition in the market place. Click to view the full transcript and video (time code: 18:58:42).

The report includes a section on ‘Data Access and Competition’ with recommendations for the Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada “to monitor the impact of automated and connected vehicle technology on competition between the various sectors of the automotive and mobility industries, in order to ensure that sectors such as the aftermarket and car rental companies continue to have access to the data they need to offer their services.”

In addition to advocating for access to vehicle data, AIA Canada also asked the government to invest in the current and future workforce, ensuring that the sector is able and prepared to repair the vehicles of the future. Included in this report are committee recommendations for “Economic and Social Development Canada to continue to work closely with the provinces and territories in order to strengthen retraining, skills upgrading and employment support for Canadians facing labour market disruption.”

AIA Canada, as the voice and the resource of the automotive aftermarket industry, will continue to focus on these two key files throughout the year and foreseeable future, and also work with government stakeholders to ensure implementation of the Senate Committee’s recommendations.

About AIA Canada

The Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada is the national trade association that brings together the entire automotive aftermarket supply and service chain. AIA's mandate is to promote, educate and represent members in areas that impact the growth and prosperity of the industry. To learn more, please visit, follow @AIAofCanada, or like

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