Los Angeles Coalition Supports County Efforts to Streamline New Affordable Housing Units

County efforts should be part of an overall strategy in which building new units is the first step

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Los Angeles Coalition for Responsible Housing Solutions, an association of housing and property experts from across Los Angeles County, announced initial support for a motion introduced by Supervisors Kuehl and Ridley-Thomas. The motion, which requests the County’s Department of Regional Planning to draft ordinances on a series of housing-related items, was heard at the February 20, Board of Supervisors meeting. The ordinances, which could make it easier to create new affordable housing, are conceptually aligned with some of the goals of the Los Angeles Coalition for Responsible Housing Solutions.

“We want the Board of Supervisors to succeed in making it easier to develop new affordable housing within the County of Los Angeles. We support streamlining the development process instead of forcing additional regulations on a bursting housing system. We firmly believe that relying solely on unilateral rent control mechanisms completely miss the larger housing issues facing the region,” said David Kissinger, a member of the Coalition.

The Coalition, who has also been an active participant with the County’s newly formed Tenant Protections Working Group, also offered to connect County leaders with members of the Coalition who have access to years of experience and substantial expertise in the Los Angeles County housing market.  The Coalition believes the Board of Supervisors should also consider tenant and owner education programs, mediation, streamlined approvals processes and the modification of development standards to allow for more housing.

“Our goals are consistent and we are an interested partner with the County. As a coalition, we feel strongly that before finalizing any ordinances, there should be great consideration given to defining a number of specific terms and policies, including ‘inclusionary zoning.’ We want the County to move forward with responsible solutions because we are equally dedicated to housing and can make an impact together,” concluded Kissinger.

About the Los Angeles Coalition for Responsible Housing Solutions:
The Los Angeles Coalition for Responsible Housing Solutions includes housing and economic experts from across Los Angeles County. The Coalition has a broad membership reaching from the Antelope Valley to Long Beach and from Santa Monica to the San Gabriel Valley. We are small property owners, apartment associations, REALTORS®, commercial property managers and business associations. We seek an inclusive and productive dialogue between tenants and property owners. For more information, visit our www.LAhousingCoalition.com

Media Contact: Kian Kaeni (310) 925-4078 or kian@ekapr.com

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