Wessanen: Integrated Annual Report, convocation and agenda AGM online

Integrated Annual Report, convocation and agenda AGM online

Wessanen has published its Integrated Annual Report 2017

Our Integrated Annual Report 2017, titled "Connecting to nature", aims to bring to life our purpose  across all parts of our growing family of brands and companies.

Read the full report here: https://wessanen.com/en/investors/annual-report/

Wessanen 2017 convocation and agenda AGM online

Wessanen has published the convocation for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on its website (www.wessanen.com).

The AGM will be held in De Hallen Studio's, Hannie Dankbaar Passage 18, 1053 RT Amsterdam on Thursday 12 April 2018 at 14:00h.

The AGM agenda includes, amongst others, the following voting items:

Adoption of the 2017 financial statements

Adoption of the proposed 2017 dividend of €0.13 per share, payable wholly in cash

Discharge of the members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board

Reappointment of Mrs Ivonne Rietjens as member of the Supervisory Board

Authorisation of the Executive Board to repurchase shares in the Company

Designation of the Executive Board as competent body to issue shares

Designation of the Executive Board as competent body to limit or exclude the statutory pre-emptive right when issuing shares

Appointment of auditor charged with auditing the 2019 financial statements

Important dates 2018

12-04-2018  AGM (14h00 CET)

20-04-2018  Publication Q1 2018 trading update

20-07-2018  Publication Q2 2018 interim results

19-10-2018  Publication Q3 2018 trading update

For more information

Ronald Merckx (CFO)
Phone      +31 (0)20 3122 126
Email       ronald.merckx@wessanen.com
Twitter      @Wessanen_250

Pièces jointes

Integrated Annual Report, convocation and agenda AGM online