AssetMark Achieves a Record-High Net Promoter Score®

Score Increases 22 Points, Reflecting High-Quality Service and Operations, Investment Strategies, and Technology Offerings

CONCORD, Calif., March 01, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AssetMark, Inc., a leading provider of innovative investment and consulting solutions, today announced its highest-ever Net Promoter Score® (NPS), a measure of customer experience. At 60 points, AssetMark’s latest score (as of 2017, Q4) has jumped 22 points higher than in the previous period (2017, Q2).

Examination of the various factors contributing to AssetMark’s overall NPS score reveals a strong level of trust in AssetMark’s services. The NPS survey tracks seven business areas that each receive their own scoring, and five of these seven areas achieved record high scores in AssetMark’s latest results. The quality of AssetMark’s service and operations, investment strategies, and technology were key drivers of the high scoring, according to survey respondents.

“Empowering advisors to make a difference in the lives of their clients is the driving force behind our commitment to deliver advanced technology, a streamlined platform experience, and personal, high-quality customer service,” said Charles Goldman, President and CEO of AssetMark. “We’re pleased to see that advisors trust us to deliver on this commitment, and we are motivated to continue helping advisors and their clients thrive in the future.”

NPS scores are a popular and closely-watched benchmarking tool for customer experience management programs worldwide. NPS surveys calculate the likelihood that advisors would recommend AssetMark to a friend or colleague. Respondents are grouped as either Promoters (score 9-10), loyal enthusiasts who will stay with AssetMark and refer others; Passives (score 7-8), satisfied but unenthusiastic advisors; and Detractors (score 0-6).

About AssetMark, Inc.
AssetMark, Inc. is a leading independent provider of innovative investment and consulting solutions serving financial advisors. The firm provides investment, relationship and practice management solutions that advisors use to help clients achieve their investment objectives and life goals. AssetMark, Inc., including its Savos and Aris divisions, has more than $42 billion in assets on its platform and a history of innovation spanning over 20 years. For more information, visit and follow @AssetMark on Twitter.

Helen Buse, Group Gordon
(212) 784 5729
