GROUPAMA 2017 results - Significant increase in operating income at €349 million

Premium income of €13.8 billion, up 2.9%

            -  Growth in property and casualty insurance as well as life and health insurance

            - Continued growth in France (+2.6%) and return to strong organic growth in foreign markets (+4.1%)

Economic operating income of €349 million, up €156 million

            - An improvement in the non-life combined ratio of 98.9%, despite a high weather-related loss experience

            - Active transformation of the life insurance portfolio with a share of unit-linked outstandings in individual savings of 25.8%

            - Improvement in economic operating income in France and internationally

Net income of €292 million

            - Net income affected by exceptional charges of €187 million due to regulatory changes in France (tax surcharges and statutory enhancements)

            - Strong increase in the international subsidiaries' contribution to net income (+35%)

Solvency ratio of 315%, up +26 points since 31 December 2016

            - Solvency ratio of 174% without transitional measure on technical reserves

            - Shareholders' equity of €8.9 billion

            - Mutual certificates outstandings of €436 million at 31 December 2017, including €246 million collected in 2017

 "Groupama had a satisfactory 2017 in terms of both development and profitability. As the company continues its internal work to remutualise its governing body, which is planned for the end of the first half of 2018, Groupama has continuously shown its capacity to develop and support innovative and transformational projects that serve all its members and customers, particularly alongside farmers." stated Jean-Yves Dagès, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupama SA. 

"The Group saw profitable growth momentum in its property and casualty insurance as well as in its life and health insurance, and recorded a major increase in its operating income as well as its solvency. It is therefore with a solid foundation that Groupama SA will soon become Groupama Assurances Mutuelles, the Group's new national mutual." added Thierry Martel, Chief Executive Officer of Groupama SA.


Paris, 16 March 2018 - The board of directors of Groupama S.A. met on 15 March 2018, under the chairmanship of Jean-Yves Dagès, and approved the Group's combined financial statements and the consolidated financial statements of Groupama SA for fiscal year 2017.  

The Group's combined financial statements include all business of the Group as a whole (i.e. the activity of the regional mutuals and of the subsidiaries consolidated within Groupama SA). The consolidated financial statements of Groupama SA include the business of all subsidiaries as well as internal reinsurance (approximately 35% of the premium income of the regional mutuals ceded to Groupama SA). 

The analysis below focuses on the combined scope. The key figures of the consolidated scope are presented in the notes.  

  • Increased activity in all business lines 

At 31 December 2017, Groupama's combined premium income stood at €13.8 billion, +2.9% increase from 31 December 2016.  

Activity is up in both property and casualty insurance (+2.9%), in which the Group achieved premium income of €7.3 billion at 31 December 2017, and life and health insurance (+2.9%), for which premium income stood at €6.4 billion.  

Groupama's combined premium income at 31 December 2017  

in millions of euros 31/12/2017 Like-for-like change (%)
Property and casualty insurance 7,288 +2.9%
Life and health insurance 6,384 +2.9%
Financial businesses 147 +10.8 %
GROUP TOTAL 13,819 +2.9%

  In France 

Insurance premium income in France at 31 December 2017 amounted to €11.1 billion, up +2.6% compared with 31 December 2016. 

In property and casualty insurance, premium income totalled €5,523 million at 31 December 2017, up 2.5%. Insurance for individuals and professionals increased 2.1% over the period to €3,284 million, driven by the growth of home insurance (+2.2% to €1,048 million), professional risks (+2.6% to €447 million) and motor insurance (+1.8% to €1,536 million). The Group is pursuing its commercial growth in its main markets and recorded in its motor portfolio (+26,500 policies) and home portfolio (+16,000 policies). The growth in agricultural business (+0.7%), in legal protection business (+7.8%) and in assistance activity (+19.1%) also contributed to the increase in property and casualty insurance income.

In life and health insurance, premium income amounted to €5,543 million, up 2.7% compared with 31 December 2016. This increase is mainly due to the growth in group insurance (+6.2%), supported by the development of retirement insurance (+20.1%) and health insurance (+2.9%). Individual retirement savings premium income rose 2.6%, driven by the growth in unit-linked policies (+10.1%), in a market down by 2% (source: FFA). Unit-linked oustandings represented 25.8% of individual savings at 31 December 2017 versus 23.5% at 31 December 2016. 

  • International 

The Group is present in 10 countries around the world, mainly in Europe. It has growth opportunities in China, a country in which it ranks second among foreign damage insurers with €280 million in premium income[1]. There is a strong international organic growth in 2017 (+4.1%), with premium income of €2.6 billion at 31 December 2017. 

Property and casualty insurance premium income totalled €1,765 million, a 4.0% increase compared with the previous period. This change reflects the strong growth in the agricultural business (+15.5%), particularly in Turkey, and the good performance of home insurance (+4.6%) and motor insurance (+2.9%), with an increase of 110,000 motor policies over the year, mainly in Italy and Hungary. 

In life and health insurance, premium income increased by 4.1% to €840 million, driven in particular by health insurance (+6.8%) and protection insurance (+8.7%). In individual retirement savings, premium income increased by 3.2%, driven by the strong growth in unit-linked policies (+24.8%), particularly in Hungary and Italy.

 Premium income of  foreign subsidiaries fully integrated in 2017

in millions of euros 31/12/2017 Like-for-like change (%)
Italy 1,506 +3.4%
CEEC (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) 567 +6.2%
Other countries* 532 +3.7%
International insurance 2,605 +4.1%

* Turkey, Greece, Gan Outre-Mer

  • Financial businesses 

The Group's premium income was up by 10.8% to €147 million, including €141 million from Groupama Asset Management and €6 million from Groupama Epargne Salariale.

Groupama Asset Management's outstandings totalled €99.8 billion at 31 December 2017, up €3 billion compared with 31 December 2016. The growth was driven by the development of external customers, and especially international customers.

  • Strong growth in operating income to €349 million

The Group's economic operating income increased to €349 million at 31 December 2017, up 80% compared with 31 December 2016. 

Economic operating income from insurance totalled €364 million at 31 December 2017, significantly up over the period (+€141 million) in all business segments both in France (+€107 million) and internationally (+€34 million).

In property and casualty insurance, economic operating income amounted to €102 million at 31 December 2017, up sharply (+€76 million) compared with 2016. The net combined non-life ratio improved by 1.4 point, to 98.9% at 31 December 2017. That change is explained by a reduction in large claims in France and internationally, the stability of the attritional loss experience and a high level of weather-related claims, whose effects were nevertheless offset by the effectiveness of the Group's reassurance protections. The Group provided assistance to its policyholders after cyclones Irma and Maria in the French West Indies, whose gross impact on the accounts was €330 million and €38 million after reinsurance.

In life and health insurance, economic operating income amounted to €262 million at 31 December 2017, up €64 million compared with 31 December 2016. That increase resulted from an improved underwriting margin in the life insurance business and the recurring financial margin.

The transition from economic operating income to net income incorporates non-recurring items, particularly exceptional charges of €187 million linked to regulatory changes in France (tax surcharge, scheduled decrease of the tax rate and statutory surcharges[2]) as well as impairment of goodwill in Turkey. 

The Group's overall net income totalled €292 million at 31 December 2017 compared with €322 million at 31 December 2016. 

  • A solid balance sheet 

The Group's shareholders' equity totalled €8.9 billion at 31 December 2017, up by €160 million compared with 31 December 2016, mainly due to the contribution of net income and the issue of mutual insurance certificates, partially offset by the repayment of the deeply subordinated instruments issued in 2007. 

At 31 December 2017, total subordinated debt recognised in shareholders' equity and not recognised in shareholders' equity remained stable at €2.2 billion. The Group has issued new subordinated notes, with a maturity of 10 years, following the exchange offer relating to all deeply subordinated notes issued in 2007 and part of the redeemable subordinated notes issued in 2009.  

Insurance investments totalled €87.2 billion at 31 December 2017, compared with €86.2 billion at 31 December 2016. Unrealised capital gains reached €10.4 billion at 31 December 2017, including €6.9 billion from the bond portfolio, €1.0 billion from the equity portfolio, and €2.5 billion from real estate assets. 

The strength of the Group was confirmed by Fitch Rating. On 3 May 2017, the agency upgraded the insurer financial strength ratings of Groupama SA and its subsidiaries to 'A-' from 'BBB+'. The outlook associated with these ratings is Stable. 

At 31 December 2017, the solvency 2 ratio was 315%, up +26 points from 31 December 2016. Groupama calculates its solvency ratio at the Group level, incorporating the transitional measure on technical reserves in accordance with the regulatory provisions. Without the transitional measure, the solvency ratio was 174%. 


[1]On a basis of 100% of the premium income of Groupama Avic China, an equity-method entity in Groupama's combined financial statements

[2] Impact of the state's withdrawal from the funding of legal increases in life annuities (law of 30 December 2017) for 133 million euros



Group Communications Department


Press contact: Analyst and investor contacts:
Guillaume Fregni - + 33 (0)1 44 56 28 56
Valérie Buffard - +33 (0)1 44 56 74 54


* * * 

Groupama financial information on the accounts closed at 31/12/2017 includes:

  • This press release, which is available on the website,
  • Groupama's combined financial statements at 31/12/2017, which will be posted on the website on 21 March 2018 for the French version and 23 April 2018 for the English version.
  • Groupama SA's registration document, which will be filed with the AMF on 26 April 2018 and posted on the website on 27 April 2018.

Get all the latest news about Groupama

  • on its website:
  • and on Twitter: @GroupeGroupama

Appendix 1: key figures for Groupama - combined financial statements

  • Premium income
  2016 2017 2017/2016
  Reported premium income Pro forma premium income* Reported premium income Change **
€ million as %
> FRANCE 10,796 10,788 11,066 +2.6%
Life and health insurance 5,400 5,400 5,543 +2.7%
Property and casualty insurance 5,396 5,388 5,523 +2.5%
> INTERNATIONAL & Overseas 2,647 2,504 2,605 +4.1%
Life and health insurance 880 807 840 +4.1%
Property and casualty insurance 1,767 1,697 1,765 +4.0%
TOTAL INSURANCE 13,443 13,292 13,672 +2.9%
FINANCIAL BUSINESSES 133 133 147 +10.8%
TOTAL 13,576 13,425 13,819 +2.9%

 * Based on comparable data

** change on a like-for-like exchange rate and consolidation basis 

  • Economic operating income* 
€ million 2016 2017 2017/2016 change
Insurance - France 173 280 +107
Insurance - International 50 84 +34
Financial businesses 27 32 +5
Holding companies -56 -46 +10
Economic operating income* 193 349 +156

 *Economic operating income: equals net income adjusted for realised capital gains and losses, long-term impairment provision allocations and write-backs, and unrealised capital gains and losses on financial assets recognised at fair value (all such items are net of profit sharing and corporate income tax). Also adjusted are non-recurring items net of corporate income tax, impairment of value of business in force, impairment of goodwill (net of corporate income tax), and external financing expenses.  

  • Net income
  2016 2017 2017/2016 change
€ million
Economic operating income* 193 349 +156
Net realised capital gains 234 208 -26
Net income from discontinued business activities 66 136 +70
Long term impairment losses on financial instruments -15 -7 +8
Gains and losses on financial assets and derivatives recognised at fair value -4 40 +44
Financing expenses -40 -57 -17
Goodwill impairment -88 -58 +30
Amortisation of intangible assets and other transactions -23 -318 -295
Net income 322 292 -30

Contribution of businesses to combined net income 

€ million 2016 2017
Insurance and services - France 374 163
Insurance - international subsidiaries 67 91
Financial and banking businesses 0 -3
Groupama SA, holdings and other -119 41
Net income 322 292


  • Balance sheet 
€ million 2016 2017
Shareholders' equity, Group share 8,752 8,912
Subordinated debts 2,263 2,235
- classified in shareholder's equity 1,513 1,099
- classified in 'Financing debt' 750 1,136
Gross unrealised capital gains 10,955 10,394
Total balance sheet 98,085 98,957


  • Main ratios 
  2016 2017
Non-life net combined ratio 100.3% 98.9%
Debt-to-equity ratio* 27.5% 25.9%
Solvency ratio** 289% 315%
Solvency ratio without transitional measure 149% 174%

 * ratio calculated using the method applied by our rating agency

** incorporating the transitional measure on technical reserves in accordance with the regulatory provisions


Appendix 2: key figures for Groupama SA - consolidated financial statements


A/ Premium income

  2016 2017 2017/2016
  Reported premium income Pro forma premium income* Reported premium income Change **
€ million as %
> FRANCE 7,356 7,349 7,548 +2.7%
Life and health insurance 4,090 4,090 4,200 +2.7%
Property and casualty insurance 3,267 3,259 3,349 +2.8%
> INTERNATIONAL & Overseas 2,647 2,504 2,605 +4.1%
Life and health insurance 880 807 840 +4.1%
Property and casualty insurance 1,767 1,697 1,765 +4.0%
TOTAL INSURANCE 10,004 9,852 10,154 +3.1%
FINANCIAL BUSINESSES 136 136 150 +10.7%
TOTAL 10,140 9,988 10,304 +3.2%

 * Based on comparable data

** change on a like-for-like exchange rate and consolidation basis


B/ Economic operating income* 

€ million 2016 2017 2017/2016 change
Insurance - France -13 125 +139
Insurance - International 50 84 +34
Financial and banking businesses 27 32 +5
Holding companies -56 -45 +11
Economic operating income* 8 196 +188

* Economic operating income: equals net income adjusted for realised capital gains and losses, long-term impairment provision allocations and write-backs, and unrealised capital gains and losses on financial assets recognised at fair value (all such items are net of profit sharing and corporate income tax). Also adjusted are non-recurring items net of corporate income tax, impairment of value of business in force, impairment of goodwill (net of corporate income tax), and external financing expenses. 

C/ Net income

€ million 2016 2017 2017/2016 change
Economic operating income* 8 196 +188
Net realised capital gains 179 135 -44
Net income from discontinued business activities 66 136 +70
Long term impairment losses on financial instruments -14 -8 +6
Gains and losses on financial assets and derivatives recognised at fair value -7 29 +36
Financing expenses -40 -57 -17
Goodwill impairment -88 -58 +30
Amortisation of intangible assets and other transactions -24 -286 -262
Net income 79 87 +8

Contribution of business activities to consolidated net income 

€ million 2016 2017
Insurance and services - France 130 -43
International insurance 67 91
Financial and banking businesses 0 -3
Groupama SA, holdings and other -118 42
Net income 79 87


D/ Balance sheet 

€ million 2016 2017
Shareholders' equity, Group share* 5,613 5,257
Subordinated debts 2,263 2,235
- classified in shareholder's equity 1,513 1,099
- classified in 'Financing debt' 750 1,136
Gross unrealised capital gains 9,895 9,285
Total balance sheet 90,484 90,645

 * including perpetual subordinated debt recognised as equity instruments



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