Title21’s CEO Lynn Fischer Shares Her Career Pivot into Healthcare Technology on THE MENTORS RADIO SHOW

From wine to healthcare technology, Title21’s CEO Lynn Fischer shares her company’s secrets to success in an exclusive interview on the Mentors Radio Show

PLEASANTON, Calif., March 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Co-founder and CEO of Title21 Health Solutions (www.Title21.com) Lynn Fischer will share her purpose-driven career story on The MENTORS RADIO SHOW this weekend. Listeners can hear the interview live on KTRB AM860 San Francisco at 7am PT on Saturday, March 24 and at noon on Sunday, March 25; and KCBQ AM1170 San Diego at 12pm PT Saturday, March 24; and on-demand anytime on TheMentorsRadio.com. Title21 Health Solutions is an innovative technology company in the San Francisco Bay Area that delivers integrated, easy-to-use Cloud Enterprise Quality Management Systems and end-to-end software that digitizes cell and gene manufacturing and bone marrow transplant programs.

Hosted by Mentor Tom Loarie, Ms. Fischer tells her story of pivoting a successful consumer packaged goods Marketing career with Gallo Winery, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, M&M/Mars and The Wine Group to lead a patient-centric healthcare technology company. Lynn discusses how her passion to make a difference and improve patient quality and outcomes were the motivating factors to make the move to healthcare. “At the age of fifteen my Dad and mentor was diagnosed with melanoma, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center saved his life. That experience had a profound impact on my desire to support the advancement of innovative, curative therapies through technology.”

Host, Tom Loarie stated, “Anyone considering a major career pivot will be inspired by Lynn’s story which reminds us that anything is possible when you allow your purpose and passion to steer your career journey.”

Ms. Fischer remarks, “I hope my career story will inspire others to lead with their heart and pursue a career that serves others even if it requires a pivot. Wine to healthcare technology was a big jump. If I can do it, anyone can.”

About Title21 Health Solutions
Title21 Health Solutions continues to gain national recognition for its innovative technology to help hospitals, biotechnology, regenerative medicine and other health science organizations improve quality, efficiency and patient safety. Title21’s product line includes web-based quality management solutions and the first end-to-end cell and gene therapy software available in the market. Learn more about Title21 and rewarding careers at www.Title21.com.

