Advertising for a good cause: Shaw’s donation enables veterans

National telecommunications company proves that time—air time—is really the best gift of all

TORONTO, March 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Talk about a national contribution: a kind donation of cable and satellite air time from Shaw Communications is allowing many returned veterans a second chance at life. The air time was much needed to create awareness for the Veterans Transition Network’s ongoing Transition Programs for struggling Canadian Veterans. 

The animated advertisement was initially set to run 900 times from November to December 2017, but thanks to Shaw’s generous donation, it has now run 46,000 times—and counting—amounting to nearly $277,000 in advertising. The ad is being shown across Canada on channels such as BBC, A&E, AMC, CNN and TLC.

Since the donation of this air time, 50 men and women have successfully completed the Veterans Transition Program, receiving 100 hours of group therapy in only 3 weekends, getting them back into their families and communities with far less time lost from their lives.

These ads help to reach Veterans in rural areas and smaller markets such as Nanaimo or Fort St. John, who otherwise would not know this service is available. It is donations like this that ensure Canadian Veterans are able to attend the Veterans Transition Program and receive the care they so much deserve.

The transition period from military to civilian life is often the most difficult and critical time for Veterans. The programs by the Veterans Transition Network are backed by 20 years of published research and have shown life-altering changes to Veterans’ mental health, personal relationships, and careers, many of whom have never sought professional help or who have been denied aid from the government.

About the Veterans Transition Network
The Veterans Transition Network is the only Canadian charity delivering mental health services to veterans from coast to coast. Founded in 1997 by Dr. Marv Westwood, their mission is to make sure no Canadian veteran is left suffering in isolation. Our programs are backed by 20 years of research and have a 98% successful transition rate, one of the highest in the world. For more information, see

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