Logan Nonfiction Program Accepting Applications for Fall 2018 Fellowship

Longform creators working in all media are invited to apply by June 15

Rensselaerville, N.Y., April 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Logan Nonfiction Programis accepting applications until June 15, 2018 for the Fall 2018 fellowship taking place October through December at the Carey Institute for Global Good. Writers, documentary filmmakers, photographers, and multimedia producers working on longform, deeply reported nonfiction projects are invited to apply. The program provides fellows with lodging, meals, mentorship, and community for up to 10 weeks.

The mission of the Logan Nonfiction Program is to support democracy by advancing independent journalistic inquiry and investigation. The program has three primary goals: supporting ethically uncompromised accountability journalism; advocating for and promoting independent nonfiction in the U.S. and globally; and increasing the professional skills and expertise of journalists and nonprofit reporting organizations so their work is amplified and has a positive impact. 

Applications for Fall 2018 will be accepted from professional journalists and filmmakers working on topics representing socially relevant political, health, environmental, human rights, and justice topics. Applicants are judged based on professional experience and the quality, relevance, and promise of the project they propose to work on during their stay. Prospective fellows commit to at least five weeks in residency but are encouraged to stay for the full 10-week duration. 

“The Logan Nonfiction Program has become renowned in the world of independent journalism in its short life,” said Tom Jennings, program director. “It speaks to the need that exists, but also the positive influence the experience has on the fellows. We're proud to support their important work in such a direct way."  

The Logan Nonfiction Program continues to be the only fellowship in the United States that exclusively supports longform nonfiction. Since its inception in 2015, it has directly supported more than 100 journalists from around the world, many of whom have now moved on to publish their work as a result of the program. Some recent notable publications include “The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner” by Daniel Ellsberg; “No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria” by Rania Abouzeid; “Pipe Dreams: The Plundering of Iraq’s Oil Wealth” by Erin Banco; and Dan Egan’s “The Death and Life of the Great Lakes.” Among current fellows is documentary producer Laura Checkoway, whose documentary "Edith + Eddie" was nominated for a 2018 Academy Award. 

Applications for the Logan Nonfiction Program Fall 2018 class will be accepted until June 15, 2018. All longform creators are encouraged to apply on the Carey Institute’s website. Questions should be directed to nonfiction@careyinstitute.org


The Logan Nonfiction Program’s Advisory Board is comprised of 12 renowned journalists, including: Raney Aronson-Rath, executive producer of “Frontline,” PBS’s flagship investigative journalism series; Helene Cooper, bestselling author and Pentagon correspondent for the New York Times; Sheila Coronel, director of the Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at Columbia University and co-founder of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism; New York Times journalist Sheri Fink, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and George Polk Award; Carey Institute Vice-Chair Josh Friedman, a Pulitzer Prize-winner and longtime Columbia Journalism School professor; Brooke Gladstone, host and managing editor of NPR’s On the Media; Emmy-award winning documentary filmmaker and Logan Nonfiction Program Director Tom Jennings; renowned author and documentary filmmaker Sebastian Junger; award-winning film and documentary producer and director Sam Pollard; Robert J. Rosenthal, board member and executive producer at the Center for Investigative Reporting; Michael Shapiro, Columbia University professor and founder of The Big Roundtable; and author and publisher Susumu Shimoyama. 

The Logan Nonfiction Program is made possible by the generous support of the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation, Open Society Foundations, European Journalism Centre, Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, and our individual donors. Those interested in contributing to the program may contact Rachael Maddock-Hughes at rmaddockhughes@careyinstitute.org.

The Carey Institute for Global Good is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2012 by Wm. Polk Carey and is dedicated to building a strong, educated and just society. The Carey Institute provides education, tools and resources to practitioners of the global good to help them succeed, and puts practitioners first—teachers, journalists, and farmers—recognizing that practitioners have the power to change their communities and inspire others to do the same.



Logan Nonfiction Fellows, Class of Fall 2017


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