BinckBank starts 2018 with a strong Q1 result:
- Number of transactions in 18Q1 27% higher than 17Q4 and 29% higher than 17Q1
- Record number of transactions in Italy and Belgium
- Net earnings per share 18Q1: € 0.13 (17Q4: € 0.07; 17Q1: € 0.02)
- Collateralised lending increases to over € 600 million
- Decrease in operating expenses partly as a result of lower amortisation of intangible assets
- Cost/income ratio for 18Q1: 71%
- BinckBank introduces new competitive price plan
- New price plan introduces 'combination discount' for customers with multiple Binck products
- BinckBank launches 'Binck Sparen' ('Binck Savings') in the Netherlands
- Initial application of IFRS 9 as per 1 January 2018 impacts equity with € 1.9 million (decrease)