Supervisory board of AS Tallinna Vesi approved the dividend proposal

The Supervisory Board of AS Tallinna Vesi approved the dividend proposal to pay the shareholders a dividend of EUR 0.36 per A-share and EUR 600 per B-share for the financial year of 2017. The proposal will be submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, gathering on 31st May 2018.

Company´s retained profits as of 31st December 2017 were EUR 47,804,000, including the net profit for 2017 in the amount of EUR 7,221,000. The proposed dividend payment amounts to EUR 7,200,600.

The share capital of the Company consists of 20 million A-shares and 1 preference share i.e. B-share.

The dividend payment will be made on 26th June 2018 and the list of shareholders entitled to receive dividends is fixed based on the share ledger as at 23.59 on 13th June 2018.

Tallinna Vesi is still awaiting the final verdict from the International Arbitration.

Eliis Vennik
Head of Communications
Tallinna Vesi
(+372) 626 2275