Director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania approved the offering circular for mandatory offer of the shares of limited liability company “GUBERNIJA” intended for purchase

The decision on approval of the offering circular for mandatory offer of the shares of limited liability company “GUBERNIJA” intended for purchase (hereinafter referred to as the Circular) by the Director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania was passed on the 7 th May, 2018.

The Official Offeror - AB „MV GROUP Production“, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Lithuanian Republic, code 132082782, with its address registered at J. Jasinskio str. 16F, Vilnius, LT-03163, the Republic of Lithuania intends to buy up the remaining 933 375 (nine hundred thirty three thousand tree hundred seventy five) ordinary registered shares of AB „GUBERNIJA“ (legal form: public limited liability company, legal entity code 144715765, registered at Dvaro str. 179 Šiauliai, the Republic of Lithuania, data about the company are collected and kept in the Register of Legal Persons of the Republic of Lithuania) with the par value of 0,19 Eur each, constituting 5,79 % of shares and votes carried by them at the general meeting of shareholders of AB „GUBERNIJA“.

The implementation of the Official Offer will be commenced on the 4th (fourth) business day following the decision on approval of the Circular by the Bank of Lithuania.

Duration of the implementation of the Official Offer – 14 (fourteen) calendar days.

The price in the Official Offer – 0,479 EUR for one ordinary registered share of the Company. The substantiation of the estimation and the price of the Official offer are defined in the paragraph 13 of the Circular.

Summary of the Official Offer is attached here under.

On behalf of AB „MV GROUP Production“,
Legal representative
Attorney at Law Inga Žemkauskienė

+ 370 5 2786 213


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