Net Insight AB: Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Net Insight AB (publ) on 8 May 2018

Stockholm, Sweden - The following resolutions were passed at the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") in Net Insight AB (publ) on 8 May 2018. The board of directors' complete proposals has previously been published and is available at the company's website,

Approval of the annual report, appropriation of result and discharge from liability
The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet, consolidated income statement and balance sheet for 2017. Furthermore, it was resolved that the company's results shall be carried forward and thus no dividend will be distributed. The AGM resolved to discharge the board members and the managing director from liability.

Number of board members and auditors, election of board members and auditors and fees to the board members and auditor
The AGM resolved that the number of board members, appointed by the shareholders' meeting, should be six with one deputy. Gunilla Fransson, Anders Harrysson, Crister Fritzson, Jan Barchan and Charlotta Falvin were re-elected as board members, Mathias Berg was elected as board member from 1 September 2018 and Stina Barchan was re-elected as personal deputy for Jan Barchan. Gunilla Fransson was elected chairman of the board.

The AGM resolved that the number of auditors shall be one without deputies. Deloitte AB was re-elected as the company's auditor with Therese Kjellberg as auditor in charge.

The AGM resolved that the remuneration to the board should amount to SEK 2,140,000 to be allocated with SEK 600,000 to the chairman of the board of directors and SEK 240,000 to each other member of the board of directors who are not employees in the company and SEK 120,000 to deputies who are not employees in the company. For work relating to committees, remuneration to the chairman of the audit committee was resolved to be SEK 50,000 and SEK 40,000 to each member of the audit committee, SEK 50,000 to the chairman of the remuneration committee and SEK 40,000 to each member of the remuneration committee. Remuneration to the auditor will be on approved account.
Resolution regarding guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for the group management

The AGM resolved to approve the board of directors' proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for the group management.

Resolution on the issue of synthetic options
The AGM resolved to introduce a cash-based option programme related to Net Insight's share price development, "Option Programme 2018".

Option Programme 2018 is mainly in line with the synthetic option programme adopted by the annual general meeting 2017, 2016 and 2015. The opportunity to acquire synthetic options shall primarily include those who participated in Option Programme 2015, which expires in 2018, and newly employed members of the executive management and other key employees. A maximum total of 2,425,000 synthetic options may be issued in Option Programme 2018.

Resolution regarding authorization for the board of directors to resolve to repurchase and transfer of own shares
The AGM resolved to authorize the board of directors to resolve to repurchase, on one or several occasions until the next annual general meeting, as many own shares as may be purchased without the company's holding at any time exceeding 2 per cent of the total number of shares in the company. Further, the AGM resolved to authorize the board of directors to resolve, on one or several occasions until the next annual general meeting, to transfer (sell) own shares.

The purpose of the authorization to repurchase own shares is to promote efficient capital usage in the company, to provide flexibility as regards the company's possibilities to distribute capital to its shareholders and to provide hedging for the company's option programme. The purpose of the authorization to transfer own shares is to enable the board of directors to make corporate acquisitions, product acquisitions or enter into collaboration agreements, or to raise working capital or broaden the shareholder base or for use in the context of the company's incentive plans or to provide hedging for the company's option programme.

Resolution to amend the articles of association
The AGM resolved to amend Section 2 of the articles of association so the Board's registered office is Solna, Sweden, replacing the reference to the current registered office, and that Section 12 is updated so it references to the new name of the act, since the act has changed name.

For further information, please contact:
Fredrik Tumegård, CEO of Net Insight, +46 8 685 04 00,

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on May 8, 2018 at 12.15 pm CEST.

About Net Insight

Net Insight's vision is to enable a live and interactive media experience for anyone on earth. Our aim is to lead progress and enable a global media marketplace where live content can be exchanged and interaction among TV audiences can take place in real-time. We want to create the media experience of the future, centered on content.

Net Insight delivers products, software and services for effective, high-quality media transport, coupled with the effective management of resources, all, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight's offerings span across the entire media spectrum, starting from TV cameras and TV studios, right through to the TV consumers. Our solutions benefit network operators, and TV and production companies, by lowering total cost of ownership, improving their workflow efficiencies and providing them with the ability to capture new business opportunities.

More than 500 world-class customers run mission critical media services using Net Insight's solutions, covering more than 60 countries worldwide. Net Insight is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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Press release (PDF)