Enterprise Engineering, Inc. first to enable Open Banking with full support for FS-ISAC Durable Data API (DDA)

NEW YORK, May 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enterprise Engineering, Inc. (EEI), a leading provider of software products for enterprise customers and Fintech enablers, has announced it is the first company to support the entire Durable Data API specification within its flagship products of Commander™ and Tax Navigator™. EEI’s products enable open banking by leveraging API’s to enhance existing digital offerings as well as bring new offerings to market.

Any company licensing EEI software is now able to support DDA out-of-the-box as part of their software or SaaS based maintenance stream. This provides EEI customers with unparalleled time-to-market and ROI advantages.

The initial and ongoing costs banks incur when developing, managing, and maintaining their own API’s are staggering. EEI software allows banks to maintain secure API’s, built on industry standards, that third-party providers may consume; in addition, it provides banks with data monetization opportunities ranging from cost recovery to more lucrative revenue generation models. EEI software can also make data sharing a two-way street for banks, meaning banks can source held away accounts for value-added advice and decision making.

EEI’s Commander™ enables Personal Financial Management tools and other Fintech applications to access and manage all types of financial account data through rapid integration with bank core and partner systems. Tax Navigator™ enables automatic data provisioning for leading tax software products and supports employers, financial institutions, and payroll providers. Together, Commander™ and Navigator™ support all financial and tax functions within a retail bank, wholesale bank, capital markets and wealth management.

Currently, many top tier firms are in production with EEI software, including world class financial institutions, service providers, and a major banking aggregator. As a leading provider of data solutions to these companies, EEI is focused on continuously improving its products to address security and market opportunities.

“Our technology securely connects Banks and Fintechs using best practices and industry standards,” said EVP, Software Products, Jack Cassaro. “APIs offered by Financial Institutions vary in function and capability, therefore, the implementation process will be custom each time. EEI’s goal is help our clients leverage emerging technology and standards and get to market faster.”

In an industry that is constantly evolving, EEI enables a secure, unparalleled customer experience. EEI’s proven, deployment-ready, enterprise grade technology is designed to help firms prioritize their digital presence and future-proof their business.

About Enterprise Engineering, Inc. (EEI)

EEI has been a trusted advisor to the Financial Services Industry since 1995. We work with Financial Institutions and developers to securely and reliably connect people to their money through any-and-all delivery channels. EEI’s software runs every day, facilitating data access and transaction processing, aggregating data and accessing tens of millions of account records for major Financial Institutions without fail. Our goal is to continue to build leading-edge solutions that offer secure, competitive advantages to our customers. Among other industry recognition, EEI was recently named “50 Most Promising FinTech Solution Providers” by CIO Review and “Data Aggregation Firm of the Year” by Finance Monthly FinTech Awards Edition. We were also listed as one of the “50 Fastest Growing Companies of The Year” by the Silicon Review. For more information, please visit www.joineei.com.


Jaimie Anzelone
115 Broadway, Suite 1705
New York, NY 10006
janzelone@joineei.com | 212-344-2000

Profil de l'entrepriseEnterprise Engineering, Inc.Industrie: Technology