Fixed Income Derivatives – Product Information 09/18

Updates to Trade Reporting Deadlines for Fixed Income Derivatives

This notice is to inform market participants that the reporting deadlines for Block Trades on Nasdaq Derivatives Markets will be extended and will for fixed income derivatives be applied to the trade registration facility as set out below.

  • With respect to trade reports submitted electronically, the updated reporting deadline is 15 (fifteen) minutes after the time of agreement, previously 5 minutes.

The changed policy is reflected in section 4.4.1 in the new version 2.1 of the Genium INET Market Model fixed income derivatives document and enters into force on 23 May 2018. The updated document will be made available at the Rules and Regulations website for Nasdaq Derivatives Markets. The updated text in section 4.4.1 with marked changes can be found in the document attached to this notice.

Document References:

  • Section 4.4 of the Genium INET Market Model document version 2.1 for Fixed Income Derivatives (effective date 23 May 2018)

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact product manager Malin Bonsted, telephone +46 8 405 60 00.


Nasdaq Derivatives Markets

Malin Bonsted                                                                                 Natalie Allam
Fixed Income Sweden                                                                    Fixed Income Sweden

Pièces jointes

Updates to Trade Reporting Deadlines for Fixed Income Derivatives.pdf