SIMEX (OTC:ARGB) introduces the Prepaid Black MasterCard

SIMEX Inc., a public corporation organized in the State of Nevada, USA

LAS VEGAS, May 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SIMEX (ARGB), international digital asset platform introduces the SIMEX Black MasterCarda Chip & PIN prepaid card tied to the user's personal accounts. The company aims to simplify transactions and make a user-friendly tool for digital currency conversions. Following the company's strategy to expand into the digital asset market, SIMEX prepares solutions for management of user's fiat and digital currency holdings associated with the platform. The number-one priority is to elaborate a tool to facilitate deposit, transfer, and withdraw capabilities. SIMEX Black MasterCard is designed to address these problems.

Traditional functional set for the new trading environment
The SIMEX Black MasterCard can have one out of four basic currency options (USD, GBP, EUR, JPY) to adjust the card to user's needs. The service is easily obtained as no bank account, employment history or previous credit history is required because the card is not offering a credit line. A user must submit a proof of identity (KYC) and the card will be sent to a customer's place of residence by post. The annual maintenance cost is $20.

Unique new features
Besides the common functions, the SIMEX Black MasterCard changes the way of dealing with investor's digital assets. The card is created as an innovative solution for holding, exchanging and converting digital currency which could be converted into USD, GBP, EUR, JPY based on the current exchange rate.

Input and output functionalities
In result, the SIMEX Black MasterCard will have both input and output functionalities.

Deposit cash on SIMEX account at ATMs via prepaid card
Maintain balance on SIMEX account online
Withdraw at ATMs
Make POS purchases in fiat or digital currency
Pay Online

For more information about transaction fees and card limits, please follow MY SIMEX CARDS page.

SIMEX has already met all legal formalities and currently making final checks related to technical aspects. The SIMEX Black MasterCard will become available for users in nearest future. Follow the updates, the very first 1 000 aplicants will get a one year free maintenance period.

