MEDIA ADVISORY: BigLever CEO Spotlights Latest Advances in Product Line Engineering for the Enterprise at INCOSE Symposium

Krueger to Co-lead PLE International Working Group Session Addressing Progress of INCOSE ISO Standards Initiative

BigLever Booth: #17

AUSTIN, Texas, July 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BigLever Software, the long-standing leader in the Product Line Engineering (PLE) field, today announced that the company’s CEO, Dr. Charles Krueger, will present the latest innovations and advances in Feature-based PLE for the enterprise at the 28th International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Symposium in Washington, D.C., July 7-12, 2018. BigLever executives will present sessions at the event that explore the strategic benefits gained by leveraging PLE to manage the growing demand for product sophistication and diversity.

“Engineering organizations have successfully employed Feature-based PLE to manage diversity and simplify how complex product families are designed, produced, maintained and evolved,” said Krueger. “It has been a game-changer — enabling companies to make order-of-magnitude improvements in efficiency and quality, while significantly reducing time-to-market and production costs. Now, organizations are seeking to extend PLE into enterprise operations, such as marketing, planning, manufacturing, supply chain, sales, service, IoT and more. As Feature-based PLE expands its footprint in industry, more organizations across a spectrum of sectors are leveraging these strategic benefits across the enterprise to create a competitive edge.”

As part of the event’s “Hot and Emerging” series, Krueger’s presentation will spotlight Enterprise PLE and Feature Content Management, an underlying concept that will represent a new generational step forward for PLE. With Enterprise PLE, organizations will be able to break down operational silos, improve communication and dramatically reduce time, effort and errors in creating complex product lines. Krueger’s talk will address how digital twins — digital images or virtual representations of a physical product or object — are automatically created as part of the PLE process. Enterprise PLE and Feature Content Management are key for addressing variation management challenges in complex engineering domains such as automotive, which is poised to create and remain digitally connected to 70 million new feature-unique automobile digital twins each year.

Presentation details:

Track:              Hot and Emerging Series
Presentation:  Enterprise PLE:  An Emerging Generation; Giving Birth to 70 Million Digital Twins per Year 
Presenter:       Dr. Charles Krueger, BigLever Software CEO
Date/Time:       Wed., July 11, 3:30 p.m. EDT

In addition to Krueger’s presentation, Dr. Drew Stovall, BigLever’s Vice President of Engineering, will provide a demonstration of Gears, the company’s industry-standard Feature-based PLE solution:

Presentation:  BigLever Software Solution Demonstration
Presenter:       Dr. Drew Stovall, BigLever Software Vice President of Engineering
Date/Time:       Mon., July 9, 10:00 a.m. EDT

INCOSE PLE International Working Group Session

Krueger will co-lead a PLE International Working Group (PLE IWG) session addressing recent progress and next steps for INCOSE's PLE ISO standards initiative. He serves as co-chair of the PLE IWG and was selected by INCOSE to lead the development of ISO standards for Feature-based PLE. The ISO standards are clearly defining a disciplined, structured set of practices that can be applied to help organizations implement the most efficient, effective and proven modern PLE approaches. This discussion will also explore the creation of new PLE deliverables for expanding the IWG’s body of knowledge, which serves as a resource for the INCOSE community.

During this session, attendees will meet the new PLE IWG chair Rowland Darbin, Product Line Manager at General Dynamics C4 Systems. Darbin brings insight and extensive hands-on PLE experience through his involvement with the U.S. Army’s Live Training Transformation product line – one of the industry’s most notable PLE success stories.

Event attendees can learn more about BigLever and the company’s Feature-based PLE solution by visiting booth #17 in the exhibition area. 


INCOSE’s International Symposium is the largest worldwide annual gathering of systems engineering professionals. This year’s agenda includes six days of presentations, case studies, workshops, tutorials and panel discussions. The event program attracts professionals from across the globe including practitioners in government and industry, as well as educators and researchers.

About BigLever Software

BigLever Software is the long-standing leader in the Product Line Engineering (PLE) field. BigLever’s holistic onePLE solution delivers the leading-edge Gears technology, proven methodology, business strategy and organizational change expertise needed to efficiently transition to and operate a game-changing PLE practice. The company’s state-of-the-art PLE methods and tools provide one unified, automated approach for feature-based variant management. This approach extends across the full lifecycle, including engineering and operations disciplines; software, electrical, and mechanical domains; and tool ecosystem. Some of the world’s largest forward-thinking organizations across a spectrum of industries are leveraging BigLever’s PLE solution to engineer their competitive advantage through order-of-magnitude improvements in productivity, time-to-market, portfolio scalability and product quality. BigLever Software is based in Austin, Texas. For more information, visit

