Noubar Semerjian to be fined $7,000 and struck off the roll for 90 days

MONTREAL, July 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Disciplinary Council of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec rendered its decision on guilt and sanction in the case of Noubar Semerjian, who will be fined a total of $7,000 and temporarily struck from the OIQ’s roll for a period of 90 days.

Noubar Semerjian was found guilty of violating several sections of the Code of Ethics of Engineers on the following grounds:

  • failing to fulfill his professional obligations by practicing in conditions likely to compromise the quality of his services, i.e. by consuming alcohol;
  • failing to respect the secrecy of all confidential information obtained in the practice of his profession;
  • betraying the good faith of a fellow engineer and tarnishing her reputation by making obscene and lewd remarks about her.             

Mr. Semerjian was also found guilty of violating section 59.2 of the Professional Code of Québec for engaging in an act derogatory to the honour or dignity of the profession by insulting, intimidating and threatening one or more other engineers.

Mr. Semerjian's alleged acts occurred between 2003 and 2005, when he was a construction site manager at Genivar for highway 40 construction work.

The full version of the Disciplinary Council’s decision is available on the OIQ’s Web site. In its decision, the Disciplinary Council also ordered Mr. Semerjian to pay the costs in connection with processing the complaint, which were limited to $800, and the publication costs, which were limited to $600.

The fines and costs in connection with processing the complaint are payable within 30 days of the decision. The other sanctions faced by Mr. Semerjian, which include being struck off the roll for 90 days and paying the publication costs, are enforceable when he registers again on the OIQ’s roll.

As a reminder, the sanctions imposed by the Disciplinary Council are meant to protect the public by dissuading professionals from repeating offences and by setting an example for other members of the profession.

About the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Founded in 1920, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec has a membership of some 63,000 engineering professionals in all fields, except forest engineering. The OIQ’s aim is to be a unifying organization and a reference for professionalism and excellence in engineering. Its mission is to protect the public by acting to ensure that engineers serve society with professionalism, compliance and integrity in the public interest. For more information, go to

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Source:Aline Vandermeer
Communications Advisor
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Tel.: 514 845-6141 or 1 800 461-6141, extension 3253

