Better Collective makes changes to the VP group and organisational structure

Press Release

Better Collective, the world’s leading developer of digital platforms for bookmaker information, iGaming communities, and betting tips, today announce changes to the VP group and the organisational structure.

Global operations and product development under same management

Following a successful implementation and management of Better Collective’s software platform, and the development of the company’s next generation of flagship products, VP of Product, Thomas Høgenhaven, has, in agreement with Better Collective, decided to change his role in the company. As of September 1, 2018, Thomas Høgenhaven will change from being part of the daily management to an advisory role directed towards specific development projects.

Going forward, the oversight of product development will be merged with the oversight of the company’s globally acquired activities and thus be one managerial role. This allows for an even closer collaboration and prioritisation: ensuring that business models are being integrated early on in development projects, and development programs are prioritised within commercial activities. Henrik Lykkesteen, currently VP of Global Operations, will take over this expanded management role and is promoted Senior Vice President of Product and Global Operations.

Jesper Søgaard, CEO comments; “Thomas has played an important role in creating our superior technological platform and a solid organisation within product development. With our strong focus on acquisitions, we bring in many new products from the outside, and we need an optimal integration process to include them in our current business. Therefore, we have decided to consolidate the managerial oversight of commercial and development activities in this phase. I am very pleased that Thomas is still on board with Better Collective in the role as advisor, and I am confident that Henrik, in his new capacity, will create even greater alignment of efforts in the teams.”

The executive management remains unchanged:  CEO Jesper Søgaard, COO Christian Kirk Rasmussen, and CFO Flemming Pedersen. The VP group will hereafter consist of the following: SVP Product and Global Operations Henrik Lykkesteen and VP Human Resourses Camilla Bille.

CEO:                                 Jesper Søgaard
Investor Relations:           Christina Bastius Thomsen     +45 2363 8844

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 3.00 p.m. CET on August 15, 2018.

About Better Collective
Better Collective’s vision is to empower iGamers through transparency and technology – this is what has made them the world’s leading developer of digital platforms for betting tips, bookmaker information and iGaming communities. Better Collective’s portfolio includes more than 2,000+ websites and products. This includes, the trusted home of tips from expert tipsters and in depth betting theory, and SmartBets, the odds comparison platform made personal.



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BC press release 2018.08.15 management change