Breakthrough Discovery Leads to Invention of neurolenses® – New Treatment for Millions Who Suffer from Headaches, Neck/Shoulder Pain and Eyestrain When Using Digital Devices

Previously Unknown Link Between the Eyes and Brain Reveals Surprising Finding: Eye Misalignment is the Culprit for Many Symptoms Blamed on Digital Devices

COSTA MESA, Calif., Sept. 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- neurolens® today announced the introduction of the first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to relieve the headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain that 65 percenti of U.S. adults complain of when using digital devices, reading or doing detail work.

Years of in-depth clinical research conducted at a neurology center uncovered a surprising link between the eyes and brain. Neurology, optometry, and ophthalmology researchers discovered that a majority of headache patients shared a common trait: a misalignment in their vision that caused specific symptoms when using digital devices, reading or doing near work. A further review of optometric literature, predating the use of digital devices, revealed similar symptoms documented throughout history among people whose work required extended time focusing up-close.

“Interestingly, people rarely suspect that the symptoms they experience when using digital devices, reading or doing detail work, may be related to their eyes. In fact, many don’t even mention their headaches, neck/shoulder pain and other physical symptoms during their annual eye exam,” said Dr. Gary Lovcik, Anaheim Hills Optometric Center, Anaheim, Calif.

When the eyes are not aligned, the visual system must work constantly to compensate for the misalignment. This can put stress on the trigeminal nerve – the largest and most complex nerve connected to the brain, and the one responsible for head and neck sensations – leading to Trigeminal Dysphoriaii. Literature states that 90% of patients have a larger misalignment at near than distance.

American adults now spend more than nine hoursiii a day on digital devices. The visual demands of this digital lifestyle have increased the number of people who experience symptoms. neurolenses are designed to bring the eyes into proper alignment, which is essential for comfortable vision. In a survey of patients who purchased neurolenses 93 percentiv found symptom relief, with 73 percent stating that their symptoms were “substantially reduced” or “basically gone” after 45 days.

“When the eyes are out of sync, or misaligned, it puts higher demand on the visual system,” said Dr. Jeff Krall, Krall Eye Clinic, Mitchell, S.D. “The headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain that many people experience while using digital devices, reading or doing detail work, are all symptoms associated with stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, caused by eye misalignment.”

The Invention of a Contoured Prism

Long before the eye-brain connection was discovered, some innovative eye doctors would add small amounts of prism to patients’ prescription lenses to make their vision more comfortable. However, a standard prism lens can only address eye alignment at a single distance. neurolens set out to create a customizable prism lens that could address misalignment at all distances.

“The headache data, combined with the historical documentation of similar symptoms, told us that we were onto something,” said Dr. Ryan Ackerman, Visions Eye Care, Sioux Falls, S.D. “The problem was, there wasn’t a lens available that could specifically treat people’s myriad misalignment errors, and we didn’t have the technology to objectively and accurately measure for eye misalignment.”

The proprietary neurolens contoured prism provides effortless eye alignment at all distances by gradually increasing the prism from distance to near. More than mere “computer lenses,” which don’t account for eye alignment, neurolenses bring the eyes into alignment to relieve headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain, among other symptoms.

“This is the biggest innovation in lens design since the invention of the progressive lens,” said Dr. Paul Karpecki, Kentucky Eye Institute, Lexington, Ky.

The need for an objective and accurate way to measure eye alignment at all distances led neurolens to develop the neurolens Measurement Device, which uses breakthrough eye-tracking technology to objectively and accurately measure the degree of eye misalignment at distance and near. During a three-minute measurement exam, patients focus on a single point while a dynamic display of rotating planets and stars activate peripheral and central vision to measure distance and near eye alignment.

The neurolens Device measures the amount of eye misalignment at both distance and near. These unique measurements, with calculations to the one-hundredth of a prism diopter, provide a recommended prescription range for the neurolens contoured prism lens design.

To learn more about neurolenses or to find a neurolens eye care provider, visit

About neurolens®

Inspired by a breakthrough discovery linking optometry and neurology, neurolenses are the first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment, relieving stress on the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is the largest and most complex nerve connected to the brain, and when stimulated causes many of the symptoms people experience when using digital devices, reading or doing near work. Ninety-three percent of patients prescribed neurolenses found symptom relief. neurolens is headquartered in Costa Mesa, Calif.

iThe Vision Council. Digital Eye Strain. Accessed April 2018.

iiKarpecki, P. The Dry Eye Misalignment. Review of Optometry. August 15, 2018.

iiiSheikh, K. Most Adults Spend More Time on Their Digital Devices Than They Think. Scientific American. March 1, 2017. Accessed April 2018.

ivSurvey of 360 neurolens patients after 45 days of treatment. Data on file, neurolens.


Headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain are symptoms of Trigeminal Dysphoria. The trigeminal nerve is the largest and most complex nerve connected to the brain and responsible for head and neck sensations.
