Appearance by Virgin Hyperloop One Confirms Recognition of Hyperloop Technology as New Transportation Mode and of Virgin Hyperloop One’s Leadership in the Field.

Washington DC, Sept. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Virgin Hyperloop One (VHO), the four year-old Los Angeles-based hyperloop technology and industry leader, has been invited to testify before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation at a hearing entitled "Transportation of Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies that Will Move America”.  The occasion marks the first time that a representative from a hyperloop company has been invited to testify before Congress.

Mr. Josh Raycroft, Director of Business Strategy at VHO, will discuss innovations in hyperloop transportation that have the potential to improve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods and identify potential Federal policy opportunities to encourage innovation.  His testimony will form part of a general hearing that will examine emerging technologies in the transportation sector across a variety of modes and applications.

The hearing will take place Thursday, September 13, 2018, at 10:00 a.m., in room 253 of the Russell Senate Office Building.

Hyperloop is a new mode of transportation that is ultra-fast, direct, on-demand, autonomous, and connects all forms of transport. Passengers board or cargo is loaded onto the hyperloop vehicle that accelerates gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle floats above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag. Hyperloop systems can be built on columns or tunneled below ground to avoid dangerous grade crossings and wildlife. It’s fully autonomous and enclosed, eliminating pilot error and weather hazards. It’s safe and clean, with no direct carbon emissions. Speed is not the only way in which hyperloop is different. With hyperloop, there are no timetables. Several pods depart per minute, and the system does not require stops at every station. Riding a hyperloop will be as smooth as riding an elevator, with similar G-forces to rail.

“The U.S. is an ideal market for hyperloop technology and we are thrilled at the levels of interest we have received from such diverse places as Texas, the Midwest corridor from Pittsburgh to Columbus to Chicago; Colorado and Missouri”,  said Josh Giegel, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Virgin Hyperloop One.  “We’ve already been testing and improving our technology for the last four years, including building the only full-scale hyperloop system in the world.  At the same, we are aware that for hyperloop to be commercially viable it needs to be safe and reliable –safety is our number one priority.”

Additional Virgin Hyperloop One images can be accessed here.

About Virgin Hyperloop One

Virgin Hyperloop One is the only company in the world that has built a fully operational hyperloop system. Our team has the world's leading experts in engineering, technology, and transport project delivery, working in tandem with global partners and investors to make hyperloop a reality, now. Virgin Hyperloop One is backed by key investors including DP WorldCaspian VC PartnersVirgin GroupSherpa CapitalAbu Dhabi Capital GroupSNCFGE VenturesFormation 8137 VenturesWTI, among others. For more information, visit

