Knowing Your Family History Can Be Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer

Colon Cancer Coalition and AliveAndKickn announce collaborative relationship to expand colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome education.

Minneapolis, Sept. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Minnesota-based Colon Cancer Coalition, an organization dedicated to the screening and prevention of colorectal cancer, and New Jersey-based AliveAndKickn, a hereditary cancer foundation, are entering a collaborative relationship to help broaden both organization’s reach and better provide Lynch syndrome resources to the colorectal cancer community.

As a part of the combined efforts, AliveAndKickn is invited to have a presence at all upcoming Get Your Rear in Gear® and Tour de Tush® events produced by the Colon Cancer Coalition, and the two organizations will work together to educate the public about Lynch syndrome and other hereditary cancer conditions. The first project the two are on partnering on is a Twitter Chat on Tuesday, September 25, at Noon Eastern, sponsored by Merck. Follow @GYRIG or @ALIVEANDKICKNDD and the hashtag #CRCGenetics to be a part of the conversation.

Lynch syndrome is an inherited cancer condition caused by a gene mutation. Affected individuals have a very high chance of developing colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, and various other types of aggressive cancers, often at a young age. One in every 279 Americans has Lynch syndrome, but as many as 95% of these people are not aware of it.

“We look forward to this relationship with AliveAndKickn as we work to prevent colorectal cancer and increase screening,” says Anne Carlson, president of the Colon Cancer Coalition. “By having AliveAndKickn as our go-to genetic resource, specifically for Lynch syndrome, we are able to focus our efforts on increasing access to screening and early detection for this preventable cancer.” 

“We have always firmly supported the screening and prevention messagesdeveloped by the Colon Cancer Coalition which we will now be able to do on amuch larger scale,” adds Robin Dubin, executive director of AliveAndKickn.“Through our collaboration with the Colon Cancer Coalition, AliveAndKickn willnow have an increased opportunity to engage the colorectal cancercommunity at large with Lynch syndrome education and the importance ofknowing your family history.”
To learn more about AliveAndKickn and the HEROIC Registry, visit To learn more about colorectal cancer or to events in your area held by the Colon Cancer Coalition, visit

About the Colon Cancer Coalition
The Colon Cancer Coalition is a non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minn. dedicated to encouraging screening and raising awareness of colon cancer. The organization’s signature Get Your Rear in Gear® and Tour de Tush® event series are volunteer-driven in communities throughout the United States. In 2017, over $1 million was granted by the Colon Cancer Coalition to build and sustain programs that promote early prevention, screening, and patient support services for this disease. By making the words colon, colorectal and colonoscopy a part of the everyday language, we believe we can overcome the fear and decrease deaths from this largely preventable cancer. For more information visit

About AliveAndKickn
AliveAndKickn’s mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by Lynch syndrome and associated cancers through research, education, and screening. To read more about AliveAndKickn, please visit  


(l-r) David Dubin (founder & patient advocate for AliveAndKickn), Alyssa Frost (volunteer event director for Get Your Rear in Gear – New York City), and Anne Carlson (president of the Colon Cancer Coalition) at Get Your Rear in Gear – New York City in October 2017. Join the Colon Cancer Coalition and AliveAndKickn for a Twitter Chat about the genetics of colorectal cancer on Tues., Sept. 25 at Noon ET. Use #CRCGenetics to join the conversation. This Twitter Chat is sponsored by Merck.
