Report on transactions in the Company's shares made by officers of IC Group



In accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse and Implementing Regulation 2016/523, IC Group A/S has reported the following transactions carried out by Peter Thorsen.




1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities /
person closely associated
a) Name Peter Thorsen
2. Reason for notification
a) Occupation/title Chairman of the Board of  IC Group A/S
b) First notification /change to notification First notification
3. Further information on the issuer of the securities in question
a) Name IC Group A/S
b) LEI code 5299000JKUD72PT4RQ13
4. Further information on transaction/transactions: must be repeated for (i) each type of instrument, (ii) each type of transaction, (iii) each date and (iv) each market place where the transactions have been executed
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument
Securities code
Option (financial instrument)
The underlying share is traded in ISIN DK0010221803
b) Transaction type Grant of option. The transaction is not attached to the completion of a share option programme
c) Price(s) and volume (s) Price(s) Volume(s)
    DKK 0 832,090

Aggregated information
- Aggregated volume
- Aggregated price

e) Date of transaction 26 September 2018
f) Market place of transaction Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S (Copenhagen Stock Exchange)



IC Group A/S


Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:                                                                                
Jens Bak-Holder
Head of Investor Relations 
Phone: +45 21 28 58 32



This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the event of any discrepancy


between the Danish and English versions, the Danish version shall prevail.



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